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Forums - Gaming Discussion - To Clear up confusion on what makes Next-Generation

JayWood2010 said:
Mazty said:

Dude, I've a science degree. I know exactly how to argue and spot poor arguments. Using arbitrary rules is a piss-poor argument that doesn't stand up to scrutiny whatsoever. You have resorted to personal attacks instead of dealing with the content of my post. 

Now I ask again: 

"You said hardware requires an upgrade to be next gen. Now, why does improved power consumption not count? And why was the GC not a gen above the PS2, or the xbox a gen above the GC?"

So then the PS1 and xbox have no generations as they are not successors of anything? 

Your OP is filled with numerous holes as shown above. If it was true than first attempt consoles have no generation, and there is no reason why the 360 elite shouldn't be 8th gen as it shows an upgrade over the original model. 

Xbox 1 and PS1 was already explaing.  The first generation console was started in 1974.  Since then we have had 8 generations.  Xbox is the first generation microsoft console born in the 6th generation of games.  Self explanatory.

The GC and X360 power consuption question is also self explanatory. They are not a new iteration.  They are modifications on current hardware and im pretty sure you realize that.  Which makes me wonder why you are still argueing but ok.  Everybody has tried explaining this to you already and im pretty sure every question that you just asked, people has explained it to you like 20(exaggeration if you dont know that either) times already

"Xbox 1 and PS1 was already explaing. " Lolwut?

How did you determine the xbox was for the 6th gen?

Sure they are a new iteration. You said next-gen had to be an upgrade. Improved power consumption via a hardware alteration is an upgrade, is it not?
Why does modifications of current hardware not count? You said "upgrade" - they have technically upgraded the components.

*arguing. No "e"

Their reasoning so far has been contradictory and also goes against the term when it is used in other markets. I'm going to go with the general buisness term than what some people on a forum who have no buisness experience believe - just seems like common sense. 

Just read the links with the EA CEO in. Clearly you think I'm the only person on the planet who thinks the way I'm do, when in fact you guys are the minority.

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timmah said:


A HD 5450 can use DX11. But it's not powerful enough to ever use the benefical features of DX11 e.g. tesselation. Saying "It's DX11 therefore it's instantly better" is a complete lie. The GTX280 is far better than any low-end DX11 card. Also you fail to address that the Wii U has yet to demonstrate any of this power. At the moment, it's nothing but theoretical.

Power per watt doesn't mean anything as that has been improving massively with each downscale of the existing consoles. So far it uses less power than existing consoles but has yet to perform better. In fact, with ports, it performs considerably worse.

"Sales will be compared" By whom? This site? Or Wall Street? This is what really pisses me off.  A bunch of gamers ranting about their console suddenly think they are Havard graduates in business. This site, and other gaming sites, are not legitimate sources of buisness analysis.

"Another interesting point, is a massive power jump the only technological advance that exists? (the answer is no in case you actually were wondering)"
Is it no? Have you thought about the contradictions that arise if you start to use controllers and media? Controllers - eyetoy make the ps2 7th gen? Media - PS3 therefore is 8th gen yah? 

Stop talking about PC tech. You clearly have no idea what you're on about. The difference in DDR3 performance for the speeds is very low. We're talking ~5 frames at the most:,3419-4.html

Generations matter, yes, but what the hell is your point? A GTX 620 won't beat a GTX 560Ti just because it's part of the Keplar gen. The cut down card is part of the same generation because it's based on the same chipset *smh* If you're trying to say therefore the wii is part of the 7th gen that's bull because that's like saying a GTX240 is part of the 600 gen. The chipsets used are vastly different and in the GPU industry, like for like are compared. You're forgetting that a console is also more than just a GPU. It's the sum of it's parts. Considering the staggering performance differences of the Wii and 360, the Wii would be considered last gen, more to the point that it uses old chips xD So either the Wii U is next gen and the Wii is 6th gen, or Wii is 7th gen an Wii U 7th gen as well. The choice is up to you. 

If you look down on science (FYI I didn't specify which) you really have no idea what you're on about. You wouldn't have a PC without it *facepalm* A degree in IT Computer Science a)Does not teach you analytical thinking. It teaches you how to code and b) I work in IT on multi-million dollar contracts so keep you bragging to yourself bud ;) I know enough about buisness to know that experience counts for fuck all, same goes for management. 

Fuck it - just read the one with the article links in. Clearly you won't have it that you're wrong, so let's see what you've to say about the EA CEO and Digital Foundry. 

S.Peelman said:

Oh god. Help us. It's Mazty again with his world views on the word 'generation'.

JayWood2010 said:

Xbox 1 and PS1 was already explaing.  The first generation console was started in 1974.  Since then we have had 8 generations.  Xbox is the first generation microsoft console born in the 6th generation of games.  Self explanatory.

The GC and X360 power consuption question is also self explanatory. They are not a new iteration.  They are modifications on current hardware and im pretty sure you realize that.  Which makes me wonder why you are still argueing but ok.  Everybody has tried explaining this to you already and im pretty sure every question that you just asked, people has explained it to you like 20(exaggeration if you dont know that either) times already

I've been in a similar argument with this guy some time ago, needless to say it got him banned to, but it's no use. He just doesn't get it. Some people need to read a dictionary some more, it's so blatently obvious it's painful.

Enlighten me to what definitions I need to read. Because all you guys seem to be going against what the industry sees as generational distinctions. Or is the EA CEO just trolling?

Same with Digital Foundry?

". AMD's RV770 hardware is well documented so with these numbers we can now, categorically, finally rule out any next-gen pretensions for the Wii U - the GCN hardware in Durango and Orbis is in a completely different league."

timmah said:


JayWood2010 said:


Hynad said:



Yeah all you guys can read the above. So Eurogamer and EA CEO are just trolling? Or you going to write the emails stating how they are so clearly wrong?

I should have done this 5+ pages back *smh*


Mazty said:
timmah said:


A HD 5450 can use DX11. But it's not powerful enough to ever use the benefical features of DX11 e.g. tesselation. Saying "It's DX11 therefore it's instantly better" is a complete lie. The GTX280 is far better than any low-end DX11 card. Also you fail to address that the Wii U has yet to demonstrate any of this power. At the moment, it's nothing but theoretical.

Power per watt doesn't mean anything as that has been improving massively with each downscale of the existing consoles. So far it uses less power than existing consoles but has yet to perform better. In fact, with ports, it performs considerably worse.

"Sales will be compared" By whom? This site? Or Wall Street? This is what really pisses me off.  A bunch of gamers ranting about their console suddenly think they are Havard graduates in business. This site, and other gaming sites, are not legitimate sources of buisness analysis.

"Another interesting point, is a massive power jump the only technological advance that exists? (the answer is no in case you actually were wondering)"
Is it no? Have you thought about the contradictions that arise if you start to use controllers and media? Controllers - eyetoy make the ps2 7th gen? Media - PS3 therefore is 8th gen yah? 

Stop talking about PC tech. You clearly have no idea what you're on about. The difference in DDR3 performance for the speeds is very low. We're talking ~5 frames at the most:,3419-4.html

Generations matter, yes, but what the hell is your point? A GTX 620 won't beat a GTX 560Ti just because it's part of the Keplar gen. The cut down card is part of the same generation because it's based on the same chipset *smh* If you're trying to say therefore the wii is part of the 7th gen that's bull because that's like saying a GTX240 is part of the 600 gen. The chipsets used are vastly different and in the GPU industry, like for like are compared. You're forgetting that a console is also more than just a GPU. It's the sum of it's parts. Considering the staggering performance differences of the Wii and 360, the Wii would be considered last gen, more to the point that it uses old chips xD So either the Wii U is next gen and the Wii is 6th gen, or Wii is 7th gen an Wii U 7th gen as well. The choice is up to you. 

If you look down on science (FYI I didn't specify which) you really have no idea what you're on about. You wouldn't have a PC without it *facepalm* A degree in IT Computer Science a)Does not teach you analytical thinking. It teaches you how to code and b) I work in IT on multi-million dollar contracts so keep you bragging to yourself bud ;) I know enough about buisness to know that experience counts for fuck all, same goes for management. 

Fuck it - just read the one with the article links in. Clearly you won't have it that you're wrong, so let's see what you've to say about the EA CEO and Digital Foundry. 

The EA CEO is  butthurt against Nintendo for something, and DF has been drooling at the thought of saying this nonsense, so I take what they say with a huge grain of salt. Also, the opinion of two biased sources =/= the entire industry OR how gaming history will (clearly) look at it.

You're still not getting the overall point that the MAIN, PRIMARY, MOST IMPORTANT, NECESSARY, CRITICAL factor in determining a gen of consoles is release timeframe & the batch of consoles against which it competes for its lifetime. You keep saying nonsensical stuff like 'Controllers - eyetoy make the ps2 7th gen?' and that's not what my argument says. It says that first, gen is determined by release date and the fact that it competes against a new batch of consoles (for sales) during its lifetime. If you look at history, that is how video game generations are defined.

We had the same nonsensical discussion about the last gen, Wii was not 'next-gen', yet if you ask any analyst who won the last gen from a sales perspective, the Wii did. You're wrong. Period.

I'm not talking about framerate in games based on DDR3, I'm talking about speed difference pertaining to how it's measured for the particular product, (which is MHz and Bandwidth in this case). This is to demonstrate that products in the same generation can have different performance levels. I certainly have 'a clue' what I'm talking about, lol.

Generations are obviously related to a chipset on the vid cards, I'm making the point that perfomance is not the only, nor the main determining factor in a generation of other tech products either.

Reality check - If you look at all the generations listed above, you'll notice they are grouped by release time period and by the group of consoles they compete against during a specific timeframe. there are wide power gaps between many of the systems within each gen. This is the simple reality, Wii was 7th gen, WiiU is the next step, therefore is 8th gen. If you define gens only as Massivvve leapz in powerz over everythingzzz!!!1! then well, you're outside the historical reality of the industry and can proceed to invent your own history and definition.

timmah said:

The EA CEO is  butthurt against Nintendo for something, and DF has been drooling at the thought of saying this nonsense

I stopped reading there. That is not a legitamte response. CEO's don't get "butthurt" - if they did, they wouldn't be a CEO. 

"DF has been drooling at the thought of saying this nonsense"

So your reply to those links basically is "LIESSSS! ITS ALL LIEEEEEEEEES!"



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The next gen really starts when all systems are out, at the moment i'd say we are in a transition period between gen 7 and gen 8, since only some of the next gen systems are out at the moment

Xbox One, PS4 and Switch (+ Many Retro Consoles)

'When the people are being beaten with a stick, they are not much happier if it is called the people's stick'- Mikhail Bakunin

Prediction: Switch will sell better than Wii U Lifetime Sales by Jan 1st 2018

timmah said:
Mazty said:
timmah said:


A HD 5450 can use DX11. But it's not powerful enough to ever use the benefical features of DX11 e.g. tesselation. Saying "It's DX11 therefore it's instantly better" is a complete lie. The GTX280 is far better than any low-end DX11 card. Also you fail to address that the Wii U has yet to demonstrate any of this power. At the moment, it's nothing but theoretical.

Power per watt doesn't mean anything as that has been improving massively with each downscale of the existing consoles. So far it uses less power than existing consoles but has yet to perform better. In fact, with ports, it performs considerably worse.

"Sales will be compared" By whom? This site? Or Wall Street? This is what really pisses me off.  A bunch of gamers ranting about their console suddenly think they are Havard graduates in business. This site, and other gaming sites, are not legitimate sources of buisness analysis.

"Another interesting point, is a massive power jump the only technological advance that exists? (the answer is no in case you actually were wondering)"
Is it no? Have you thought about the contradictions that arise if you start to use controllers and media? Controllers - eyetoy make the ps2 7th gen? Media - PS3 therefore is 8th gen yah? 

Stop talking about PC tech. You clearly have no idea what you're on about. The difference in DDR3 performance for the speeds is very low. We're talking ~5 frames at the most:,3419-4.html

Generations matter, yes, but what the hell is your point? A GTX 620 won't beat a GTX 560Ti just because it's part of the Keplar gen. The cut down card is part of the same generation because it's based on the same chipset *smh* If you're trying to say therefore the wii is part of the 7th gen that's bull because that's like saying a GTX240 is part of the 600 gen. The chipsets used are vastly different and in the GPU industry, like for like are compared. You're forgetting that a console is also more than just a GPU. It's the sum of it's parts. Considering the staggering performance differences of the Wii and 360, the Wii would be considered last gen, more to the point that it uses old chips xD So either the Wii U is next gen and the Wii is 6th gen, or Wii is 7th gen an Wii U 7th gen as well. The choice is up to you. 

If you look down on science (FYI I didn't specify which) you really have no idea what you're on about. You wouldn't have a PC without it *facepalm* A degree in IT Computer Science a)Does not teach you analytical thinking. It teaches you how to code and b) I work in IT on multi-million dollar contracts so keep you bragging to yourself bud ;) I know enough about buisness to know that experience counts for fuck all, same goes for management. 

Fuck it - just read the one with the article links in. Clearly you won't have it that you're wrong, so let's see what you've to say about the EA CEO and Digital Foundry. 

The EA CEO is  butthurt against Nintendo for something, and DF has been drooling at the thought of saying this nonsense, so I take what they say with a huge grain of salt. Also, the opinion of two biased sources =/= the entire industry OR how gaming history will (clearly) look at it.

You're still not getting the overall point that the MAIN, PRIMARY, MOST IMPORTANT, NECESSARY, CRITICAL factor in determining a gen of consoles is release timeframe & the batch of consoles against which it competes for its lifetime. You keep saying nonsensical stuff like 'Controllers - eyetoy make the ps2 7th gen?' and that's not what my argument says. It says that first, gen is determined by release date and the fact that it competes against a new batch of consoles (for sales) during its lifetime. If you look at history, that is how video game generations are defined.

We had the same nonsensical discussion about the last gen, Wii was not 'next-gen', yet if you ask any analyst who won the last gen from a sales perspective, the Wii did. You're wrong. Period.

I'm not talking about framerate in games based on DDR3, I'm talking about speed difference pertaining to how it's measured for the particular product, (which is MHz and Bandwidth in this case). This is to demonstrate that products in the same generation can have different performance levels. I certainly have 'a clue' what I'm talking about, lol.

Generations are obviously related to a chipset on the vid cards, I'm making the point that perfomance is not the only, nor the main determining factor in a generation of other tech products either.

Reality check - If you look at all the generations listed above, you'll notice they are grouped by release time period and by the group of consoles they compete against during a specific timeframe. there are wide power gaps between many of the systems within each gen. This is the simple reality, Wii was 7th gen, WiiU is the next step, therefore is 8th gen. If you define gens only as Massivvve leapz in powerz over everythingzzz!!!1! then well, you're outside the historical reality of the industry and can proceed to invent your own history and definition.

Don't reply to mazty anymore.  He is going in circles now and has been repeating himself for days.  Many people has explained it to him but he comes back saying the same things.  So just ignore him, you're better off ignoring him.


JayWood2010 said:

Don't reply to mazty anymore.  He is going in circles now and has been repeating himself for days.  Many people has explained it to him but he comes back saying the same things.  So just ignore him, you're better off ignoring him.

Because ignoring links and calling a CEO butthurt is a legitmate argument.


It really, really isn't. 

Mazty said:
JayWood2010 said:

Don't reply to mazty anymore.  He is going in circles now and has been repeating himself for days.  Many people has explained it to him but he comes back saying the same things.  So just ignore him, you're better off ignoring him.

Because ignoring links and calling a CEO butthurt is a legitmate argument.


It really, really isn't. 

I didn't ignore your links, but you did ignore the facts, again...

Reality check - If you look at all the generations listed above, you'll notice they are grouped by release time period and by the group of consoles they compete against during a specific timeframe. there are wide power gaps between many of the systems within each gen. This is the simple reality, Wii was 7th gen, WiiU is the next step, therefore is 8th gen. If you define gens only as Massivvve leapz in powerz over everythingzzz!!!1! then well, you're outside the historical reality of the industry and can proceed to invent your own history and definition.

timmah said:
Mazty said:
JayWood2010 said:

Don't reply to mazty anymore.  He is going in circles now and has been repeating himself for days.  Many people has explained it to him but he comes back saying the same things.  So just ignore him, you're better off ignoring him.

Because ignoring links and calling a CEO butthurt is a legitmate argument.


It really, really isn't. 

I didn't ignore your links, but you did ignore the facts, again...

Reality check - If you look at all the generations listed above, you'll notice they are grouped by release time period and by the group of consoles they compete against during a specific timeframe. there are wide power gaps between many of the systems within each gen. This is the simple reality, Wii was 7th gen, WiiU is the next step, therefore is 8th gen. If you define gens only as Massivvve leapz in powerz over everythingzzz!!!1! then well, you're outside the historical reality of the industry and can proceed to invent your own history and definition.

Reality check - wiki isn't a legitimate source. And to make it worse, that page isn't sourced where relevant.

Saying that the EA CEO is "butthurt" and DF are rooting against the Wii U is nothing more than a paranoid theory (word for word). In short, you haven't refuted what they have said, you've just denied it in the same way a creationist denies science.