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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Rumor: Sony mislead devs

Sounds like nonsense.

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007BondAgent said:

Sony greatly deceived 3rd parties this time around. Supposedly Ubisoft and Activision, as well as others were led to believe that the PS4 would be a low power A10 equivalent, that had access to 2GB of unified DDR3 ram.
Microsoft probably developed the Durango to exceed that.

I just think that this is not fair, even if Ubisoft and Activision were leaking information to MS, Sony should have been more honest. I expect the next Ubisoft and Activision titles to not use any additional PS4 processing power at all because of this. They were played hard.
The Durango suffers in the long term as a consequence of Sony's lies and deceit. It's just not fair.




ouch if true.

Sony did nothing wrong.   Development kits change all the time during the months prior to new console releases.

It's good for developers, if Sony decided to go with a more powerful machine.


hahahh that would be the best action of the year! (if true, which I really doub)
But if this is true, it's very bad that there is a rat in Ubisoft/Activision, that is the worst part if true (also if true Sony had already some expectations that one of them would have rats). I don't think that most developers would mind if in the end product the manufacturer adds more memory if the core coding keeps the same and you don't need to completely remake your game but for Ubisoft or Activision to have a rat in their house that would hurt more for everyone! Also then I'm curious what Microsoft offer in return for the rat case!!

I don't know what to say

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It's not called the console wars for nothing.

But Sony wouldn't really be advantaged much by having a way more powerful unit than MS. But if they think MS thinks the PS4 only goes to 8 and MS goes to 10 then Sony ends up going to 11 (and the Wii U is a 7), then Sony "wins" the power race, but not by so much that it's a pain in the arse to put multiplats on all 3 nexgen consoles, and like this gen it'll only be the exclusives that show off that extra point of power.

Not sure where a mid-spec'd PC sits though, 15?

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Meanwhile, at Microsoft:

Ongoing bet with think-man: He wins if MH4 releases in any shape or form on PSV in 2013, I win if it doesn't.

nice fiction but ehh... no.

Chandler said:

Meanwhile, at Microsoft:


He isn't saying it is true he is just reporting on a rumor jeez.

NobleTeam360 said:
He isn't saying it is true he is just reporting on a rumor jeez.

Yeah so i just made a rumor about OP posting himself's comment from B3D because B3D mod just mad about this no sense reply and delete it,then rant to him,rumor right?