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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Rumor: Sony mislead devs

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Looks like they tricked people after all, but with 8Gb instead of 4. Nintendopie  Was obviously right and I was obviously wrong. I will forever be a lesser being than them. (6/16/13)

Otakumegane said:
007BondAgent said:
Otakumegane said:
Wait what?

sony lied about the ps4 specs to hurt the nextbox


i hope this is nothing more then just rumour, because it's pretty low. 'smart though'

So uh...Sony supposedly said their console was going to be lower in power so that MS makes a slightly better one?

Then reveal its true form or something?

Seems dumb if true.  If true it would make the first gen games or launch games be of lower quality than they could be, so people might not see point in upgrading.

Also xbox hasn't unveiled yet.  I don't imagine it would be too hard to pop in some extra ram.  Then they are on same playing field.  BOth had developers developing on a system less powerful than final product.

007BondAgent said:

Sony greatly deceived 3rd parties this time around. Supposedly Ubisoft and Activision, as well as others were led to believe that the PS4 would be a low power A10 equivalent, that had access to 2GB of unified DDR3 ram.
Microsoft probably developed the Durango to exceed that.

I just think that this is not fair, even if Ubisoft and Activision were leaking information to MS, Sony should have been more honest. I expect the next Ubisoft and Activision titles to not use any additional PS4 processing power at all because of this. They were played hard.
The Durango suffers in the long term as a consequence of Sony's lies and deceit. It's just not fair.




ouch if true.

Smart move by Sony if it's true

irstupid said:

Also xbox hasn't unveiled yet.  I don't imagine it would be too hard to pop in some extra ram.  Then they are on same playing field.  BOth had developers developing on a system less powerful than final product.

Sonys internal studios working on Launch titles like Killzone and Knack wouldve obviously known.


They probably just didnt tell any outside sources because they didnt want it leaked to Microsoft

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I will start a new rumour then if a comment on a board is all u need to start a rumour.

I heard the nextbox will go 16 GDDR6 to comepete with ps4, quote me on that and spread....

On serious note, MS already knew PS4 specs way before, as does Sony knows the durango specs way before us. It is their business to know.