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Forums - General Discussion - Trial opens for father accused of killing baby over Xbox

 he needs to be scaphized (very horrible way to die)


Scaphism is an Ancient Persian method of execution. According to Wikipedia, a naked person would be firmly fastened within a back-to-back pair of narrow rowboats (or in some variations a hollowed out tree trunk), the head, hands, and feet protruding from this improvised container. The condemned was forced to ingest milk and honey to the point of developing severe diarrhea, and more honey would be rubbed on his body so as to attract insects to the exposed appendages. They would then be left to float on a stagnant pond (or alternately, simply exposed to the sun somewhere). The defenseless individual’s feces accumulated within the container, attracting more insects, which would eat and breed within his or her exposed (and increasingly gangrenous) flesh. Death, when it eventually occurred, was probably due to a combination of dehydration, starvation and septic shock.

Plutarch writes that it took Mithridates 17 days to die by this method of execution. Native American Indians also used a similar method of execution where they would tie the victim to a tree, smear him and leave him to the ants. Because he was not previously force-fed, he would generally starve in a few days.

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I have a diagnosed obsession with video games and I wouldn't do that to my worst enemy, let alone my 17-month-old daughter. The most I would do is make them buy me another (my enemy, of course, not my daughter).

Honestly, it's people like this that give fuel to Jack Thompson's fire.

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."

^ Holy crap that's crazy. And he deserves that. I don't like babies, but you shouldn't kill them.

the world makes me sick sometimes.


how can you not like babies? you're a monster! :P

Because they are so selfish, and want everything for themselves. So we have conflicting views because I am selfish.

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but their so cute :(

they are, until they throw up on you, wake you up in the middle of the night, and the like.

Jesus... What an insane twat! Jail is too good for such individuals!

^^ amen, sick f***z out there!

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Damn that man is an inhuman piece of gaming crap that deserves to die - I liked the scaphism idea.

I drink your milkshake.