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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Dead Space 3 Has 11 Pieces of Day One DLC

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noname2200 said:
the2real4mafol said:
So so pointless, just include it on the disc!

Sure, but only if you agree to pay for the unlock code!

I don't mind DLC but it should a month or later after launch and actually add to the game. Add new modes, maps, missions etc.

not something to unlock all the weapons or whatever from the start! Just play the game to unlock everything, EA is notorious for this, they do it most of their games. 

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pokoko said:
Eh. It's for people who suck at playing games, I suppose, and want short-cuts. As I will likely never purchase such short-cuts, I don't really care.

However, I wish they'd make it so that NOT purchasing such things would be the only way to get the last achievement/thropy--"I'm not a puss".

EA making giving you a trophy for not giving them money? dream on its more possible that they would make it that the only way you can get all the trophies is that you need to buy all the DLC's

bananaking21 said:
was this posted before or do people simply not care about the day one DLC thing anymore?

Naa people just don't care about Dead Space anymore.

BaldrSkies said:
You'd think Bandai Namco was publishing this. Recent Tales games also release with tons of little DLCs that aren't real content, just optional boosts to shorten grinding, and cosmetic costumes. The thing is it's a good way to supplement income while having little real impact on the game.

TLDR: Who cares.

see i dont mind that because it doesnt really effect the game, but dead space 3 seems to be built from the ground up to pull in money from digitial content. all these DLC's launch day? microtransitions seem to be fully integerated into core parts of the game? its clear from the start of the development of the game EA has had plans for these kind of stuff, 11 pieces of day one DLC! and if they have nothing to do with the microtransitions as well so if you buy them you can still spend more money on buying other stuff! WTF

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bananaking21 said:
pokoko said:
Eh. It's for people who suck at playing games, I suppose, and want short-cuts. As I will likely never purchase such short-cuts, I don't really care.

However, I wish they'd make it so that NOT purchasing such things would be the only way to get the last achievement/thropy--"I'm not a puss".

EA making giving you a trophy for not giving them money? dream on its more possible that they would make it that the only way you can get all the trophies is that you need to buy all the DLC's

That's probably true.

Still, as long as it's an unnecessary addon, I'm not that worried about it.  However, if they ever make it so that you NEED to purchase additional content in order to accomplish something in-game, then I think it's time to start talking boycott.

I just think there are worse routes they could go to pull in a bit more money, so I'm not going to get upset about it until they cross that line.  It's not that different, really, from the days when you had to buy a guidebook for the codes and secrets.

riderz13371 said:
bananaking21 said:
was this posted before or do people simply not care about the day one DLC thing anymore?

Naa people just don't care about Dead Space anymore.

i was really hoping dead space succeeds because EA said they need 5 million sales for this to continue, i was worried that the dev would be closed or hit with layoffs. but now, FUCK THEM and FUCK EA. i hope this game is the biggest flop of the year

BaldrSkies said:
You'd think Bandai Namco was publishing this. Recent Tales games also release with tons of little DLCs that aren't real content, just optional boosts to shorten grinding, and cosmetic costumes. The thing is it's a good way to supplement income while having little real impact on the game.

TLDR: Who cares.


I mean, the only reason why everyone continues to this DLC thing is because it sells. And this isn't anywhere as annoying as Mass Effect 3's where a whole character was lost.  Not buying the game isn't going to stop companies from doing this. Buying the game and not buying the DLC would have more of an effect I think... 

It is annoying, but still I'll still probably Dead Space the game without DLC, than any game recently anyways and that's ultimately what it comes down to for me.
and anyways, I can just pirate the DLC on PC if I really wanted to :P.

It's not like the first game to do this kind of stuff now either. Uncharted 3 had...
Regeneration Booster
Creepy Crawler Kickback
Carpet Bomb Kickback
Increased Clip Size for Para-9 and G-mal weapons
Callout Mod for AK-47

That's 5, I don't really remember people bitching about this on here.

Additionally before the game was launched they let you preorder map packs...

pokoko said:
bananaking21 said:
pokoko said:
Eh. It's for people who suck at playing games, I suppose, and want short-cuts. As I will likely never purchase such short-cuts, I don't really care.

However, I wish they'd make it so that NOT purchasing such things would be the only way to get the last achievement/thropy--"I'm not a puss".

EA making giving you a trophy for not giving them money? dream on its more possible that they would make it that the only way you can get all the trophies is that you need to buy all the DLC's

That's probably true.

Still, as long as it's an unnecessary addon, I'm not that worried about it.  However, if they ever make it so that you NEED to purchase additional content in order to accomplish something in-game, then I think it's time to start talking boycott.

I just think there are worse routes they could go to pull in a bit more money, so I'm not going to get upset about it until they cross that line.  It's not that different, really, from the days when you had to buy a guidebook for the codes and secrets.

im not a mass effect fan but doesnt mass effect 3's beggining not make much sense unless you bough some DLC for mass effect 2? thats what i heard. and arent there some races that dont appear at all in the game unless u buy DLC? EA are assholes when it comes to DLC, they just wont learn. gamers like the idea of DLC, you can buy additional content to a game that you love for a small price, great concept, but shit poor excution. EA just wont learn look at undead nightmare, the thing sold shitloads because it was awesome and didnt effect the game at all, it just added content. so was that infamous 2 DLC. but no, ea wants to fuck the gamer in the ass

KylieDog said:
bananaking21 said:
was this posted before or do people simply not care about the day one DLC thing anymore?

People don't care about Dead Space 3 anymore.

lol yeah riderz pointed that out too