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BaldrSkies said:
You'd think Bandai Namco was publishing this. Recent Tales games also release with tons of little DLCs that aren't real content, just optional boosts to shorten grinding, and cosmetic costumes. The thing is it's a good way to supplement income while having little real impact on the game.

TLDR: Who cares.


I mean, the only reason why everyone continues to this DLC thing is because it sells. And this isn't anywhere as annoying as Mass Effect 3's where a whole character was lost.  Not buying the game isn't going to stop companies from doing this. Buying the game and not buying the DLC would have more of an effect I think... 

It is annoying, but still I'll still probably Dead Space the game without DLC, than any game recently anyways and that's ultimately what it comes down to for me.
and anyways, I can just pirate the DLC on PC if I really wanted to :P.

It's not like the first game to do this kind of stuff now either. Uncharted 3 had...
Regeneration Booster
Creepy Crawler Kickback
Carpet Bomb Kickback
Increased Clip Size for Para-9 and G-mal weapons
Callout Mod for AK-47

That's 5, I don't really remember people bitching about this on here.

Additionally before the game was launched they let you preorder map packs...