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Forums - Sony Discussion - Playstation Meeting 2013 Discussion Thread! SEE THE FUTURE! PS4 incoming! NEW Yakuza and Atelier for PS4!? THE Last Guardian now an Orbis game!? Wallstreet Journal: Gaikai for BC!

Sensei said:
those gifs... LOL

please keep them coming :)

That gif you've got in your sig would make a great Kaz gif! Someone do it please :)

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Gribble said:
Sensei said:
those gifs... LOL

please keep them coming :)

That gif you've got in your sig would make a great Kaz gif! Someone do it please :)

yep, lol.

I've changed my profile pic to Kaz already.

So much hype!!!!

I reckon they will show off the ps4 but not name a price. they will finalise that after microsoft reveals theirs.

those gifs are freaking amazing

pezus said:


Edit: Woohoo, thanks!











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"According to the Japanese outlet, the network function of PlayStation 4 will be expanded, including a new social feature where you can exchange opinions among your friends while playing games.

The system is said to utilize Gaikai cloud technology, which Sony purchased for $380 million in the summer of last year.

Echoing previous reports, the outlet claims the Sony developed “Cell” chip loaded onto the PlayStation 3 will not be included in PlayStation 4, and that it’ll arrive by the holidays.

PlayStation 4 is expected to be revealed during PlayStation Meeting 2013 in New York City on February 20. Its controller will supposedly have a touch pad."

In-Kat-We-Trust Brigade!

"This world is Merciless, and it's also very beautiful"

For All News/Info related to the PlayStation Vita, Come and join us in the Official PSV Thread!

M.U.G.E.N said:

"According to the Japanese outlet, the network function of PlayStation 4 will be expanded, including a new social feature where you can exchange opinions among your friends while playing games.

The system is said to utilize Gaikai cloud technology, which Sony purchased for $380 million in the summer of last year.

Echoing previous reports, the outlet claims the Sony developed “Cell” chip loaded onto the PlayStation 3 will not be included in PlayStation 4, and that it’ll arrive by the holidays.

PlayStation 4 is expected to be revealed during PlayStation Meeting 2013 in New York City on February 20. Its controller will supposedly have a touch pad."

Gaikai is going to be freaking amazing. It's going to put them over the edge of the competition in my opinion. If used properly of course.

Help guys, I made this image and want to use it as a sig but I'm such a dummie that I don't know how, help me Obi Wan

Since no one helped me Kazify my profile pic I will make fun of the PS4. DOOOOOOOOOOOOMED

Rafux said:

Help guys, I made this image and want to use it as a sig but I'm such a dummie that I don't know how, help me Obi Wan

well that's weird..there should be a SETTINGS option when you hover the mouse over your user name on the top won't appear for me for w/e reason. If it does for you just go there and you will see the place to enter the signature

:P Your avatar was a bit hard to do anything with...and today was kind of busy for me..I can give it a try tomorrow..just remind me ok?

In-Kat-We-Trust Brigade!

"This world is Merciless, and it's also very beautiful"

For All News/Info related to the PlayStation Vita, Come and join us in the Official PSV Thread!