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Forums - Sony Discussion - Playstation Meeting 2013 Discussion Thread! SEE THE FUTURE! PS4 incoming! NEW Yakuza and Atelier for PS4!? THE Last Guardian now an Orbis game!? Wallstreet Journal: Gaikai for BC!

that is pretty early and it would be awesome!

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M.U.G.E.N said:
EdHieron said:

I'm really hoping that this isn't a PS4 announcement because if it is, then the PS4 isn't likely to be as powerful as the NextBox, and I'm really hoping the PS4 will Be a Beast with Avatar and Tron Legacy quality graphics.

wait wut?

I'm really hoping this isn't a PS4 announcement because if it is at this early date it's probably only to go the moderately powerful route.  I'm hoping they'll release a console that will make "Uncharted" and future games like "Beyond" look like they really are Hollywood quality projects and be as poweful versus Wii U as PS3 was to Wii because I personally don't want Wii U to have any better third party support than Wii did, and I'm hoping that the power difference between Nextbox and PS4 won't be anymore significantly different than it was between the 360 and PS3 unless the more powerful console is PS4.

I think if Sony decides to release their new console this year the 720 will be remarkedly more powerful.  Plus it would truncate PS3's lifespan when it could easily pass the Wii with a couple of more years of solid support.  It hasn't even passed the 360 yet.

JacobRollin said:
Can't wait for Feb. 20th now! PS4!?

Without a doubt :)

In-Kat-We-Trust Brigade!

"This world is Merciless, and it's also very beautiful"

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M.U.G.E.N said:



EdHieron said:
M.U.G.E.N said:
EdHieron said:

I'm really hoping that this isn't a PS4 announcement because if it is, then the PS4 isn't likely to be as powerful as the NextBox, and I'm really hoping the PS4 will Be a Beast with Avatar and Tron Legacy quality graphics.

wait wut?

I'm really hoping this isn't a PS4 announcement because if it is at this early date it's probably only to go the moderately powerful route.  I'm hoping they'll release a console that will make "Uncharted" and future games like "Beyond" look like they really are Hollywood quality projects and be as poweful versus Wii U as PS3 was to Wii because I personally don't want Wii U to have any better third party support than Wii did, and I'm hoping that the power difference between Nextbox and PS4 won't be anymore significantly different than it was between the 360 and PS3 unless the more powerful console is PS4.

I think if Sony decides to release their new console this year the 720 will be remarkedly more powerful.  Plus it would truncate PS3's lifespan when it could easily pass the Wii with a couple of more years of solid support.  It hasn't even passed the 360 yet.

I don't get it man...your fear is unfounded really. There is nothing to suggest that. Both Sony and MS will reveal their systems before E3. It really doesn't matter who goes first. At this time their hardware will be closed to being finalized so it won't change anything.

Besides the current rumors point at Orbis being a bit more powerful than Durango. But then we have devs saying both systems are close to each other in power. So don't worry :)

In-Kat-We-Trust Brigade!

"This world is Merciless, and it's also very beautiful"

For All News/Info related to the PlayStation Vita, Come and join us in the Official PSV Thread!

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chocoloco said:

This is the greatest gif ever.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

Aldro said:

LOL no. After Last of Us. 

Chark said:
NesFe said:
This came out of nowhere. I wasn't prepared at ALLLLLLLLL!
What should I do ?

Sell everything, prepare.

It's going to be a long 20 days....

My God, the wait.

I need to see the Future Now!


Fingers crossed that he will make a return! The gaming world NEEDS him

In-Kat-We-Trust Brigade!

"This world is Merciless, and it's also very beautiful"

For All News/Info related to the PlayStation Vita, Come and join us in the Official PSV Thread!

"We will let Microsoft make the first move"