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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What games do you want that are on a console that you don't own?

Wii U - New Super Mario Bros. U, Nintendo Land, ZombiU
Vita - Gravity Rush, LBP Vita (and I want to play all my PS+ games)

Also want a load of their future games, especially the Nintendo first party ones

PSN: Osc89

NNID: Oscar89

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This gen I've owned the 360 from launch till 2007 where I bought my ps3. Have had the Ps3 since then, and have had the Wii for a year. Only have Ps3 now.

So, easy choices for me. Smash Bros is my Wii pick. So many hours put on Brawl.... And no All stars battle royal does not count lol.

For my 360 it was Mass Effect since the 1st one was only on 360 and it is still my favorite Mass Effect game. Now that we have ME, I'm going with Left 4 Dead. Amazing online communication and just a pure fun game.

Currently own:


  • Ps4


Currently playing: Witcher 3, Walking Dead S1/2, GTA5, Dying Light, Tomb Raider Remaster, MGS Ground Zeros

Sam & Max season 3 (only on PSN)
Tomb Raider HD Trilogy

Have 360/Wii.


3D Dot Game Heroes, Disgaea, Resistance and Malicious for PS3. But i can't justify buying a console to play only those games.


PS: I have a 360/Wii/PC.

Wii U - ZombiU
360 - Halo
PS3 - God of War

Nintendo and PC gamer

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osed125 said:

Wii U - ZombiU
360 - Halo
PS3 - God of War

What console do you own, Dude!!

Deyon said:
osed125 said:

Wii U - ZombiU
360 - Halo
PS3 - God of War

What console do you own, Dude!!

PC and Wii (plus almost all previous gen consoles)

Nintendo and PC gamer

I'd like to check out Ni No Kuni and flower for the PS3. For the Vita, I'd like to finish Gravity Rush (I had a Vita and sold it) and Persona 4.

Shadow Complex

that is all