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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sony has less First Party Studios than Microsoft. 21 vs 15

JayWood2010 said:
Turkish said:

Microsoft published it because it was a timed exclusive, after it was over the devs partnered with Sony in bringing it over to the PSN and Vita.

Show me where you see sony publishing this game on PSN.  I honestly feel like you are just saying this now because you dont want to admit that you was wrong. I have been looking and i dont see anywhere where it says sony made any kind of deal to bring it to sony.  This was the developers choice, not sony. there is no kind of partnership in the matter what so ever.  IF you want to prove me wrong then bring information to me and ill gladly change it

Usually devs partner with the platform holder to bring it over to the system, you can't just release your own game without the consensus of Sony.
Without the bag of money from Microsoft the game would've released simultaneously, its highly likely under this agreement Microsoft took the publishing costs on its own account as part of the timed exclusivity deal. As the game came out on PSN, its pointless to consider this game a partnership between Microsoft and the devs.

Your criteria for your 3rd party list is nonsense as you only consider those games when they're first published with a platform while later they're also released on others. You don't even consider games that have not been published by the platform holder but still get released on a certain platform only, so your whole idea of 3rd party partnership is flawed.

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Turkish said:
JayWood2010 said:
Turkish said:

Microsoft published it because it was a timed exclusive, after it was over the devs partnered with Sony in bringing it over to the PSN and Vita.

Show me where you see sony publishing this game on PSN.  I honestly feel like you are just saying this now because you dont want to admit that you was wrong. I have been looking and i dont see anywhere where it says sony made any kind of deal to bring it to sony.  This was the developers choice, not sony. there is no kind of partnership in the matter what so ever.  IF you want to prove me wrong then bring information to me and ill gladly change it

Usually devs partner with the platform holder to bring it over to the system, you can't just release your own game without the consensus of Sony.
Without the bag of money from Microsoft the game would've released simultaneously, its highly likely under this agreement Microsoft took the publishing costs on its own account as part of the timed exclusivity deal. As the game came out on PSN, its pointless to consider this game a partnership between Microsoft and the devs.

Your criteria for your 3rd party list is nonsense as you only consider those games when they're first published with a platform while later they're also released on others. You don't even consider games that have not been published by the platform holder but still get released on a certain platform only, so your whole idea of 3rd party partnership is flawed.

Oh ok, so I guess every single game ever released is a partner to sony, msft, and nintendo.  When somebody publishes a game that means they put money down to support it because they have trust in a title.  Without publishers most developers would be going out of business.


JayWood2010 said:
Turkish said:
JayWood2010 said:
Turkish said:

Microsoft published it because it was a timed exclusive, after it was over the devs partnered with Sony in bringing it over to the PSN and Vita.

Show me where you see sony publishing this game on PSN.  I honestly feel like you are just saying this now because you dont want to admit that you was wrong. I have been looking and i dont see anywhere where it says sony made any kind of deal to bring it to sony.  This was the developers choice, not sony. there is no kind of partnership in the matter what so ever.  IF you want to prove me wrong then bring information to me and ill gladly change it

Usually devs partner with the platform holder to bring it over to the system, you can't just release your own game without the consensus of Sony.
Without the bag of money from Microsoft the game would've released simultaneously, its highly likely under this agreement Microsoft took the publishing costs on its own account as part of the timed exclusivity deal. As the game came out on PSN, its pointless to consider this game a partnership between Microsoft and the devs.

Your criteria for your 3rd party list is nonsense as you only consider those games when they're first published with a platform while later they're also released on others. You don't even consider games that have not been published by the platform holder but still get released on a certain platform only, so your whole idea of 3rd party partnership is flawed.

Oh ok, so I guess every single game ever released is a partner to sony, msft, and nintendo.  When somebody publishes a game that means they put money down to support it because they have trust in a title.  Without publishers most developers would be going out of business.

Sine Mora would've come out regardless of Microsoft publishing it, they did it because it was a timed exclusive. Otherwise Digital Reality would've published it just like they did on PSN. Your logic in considering what is 3rd party partnership is flawed. On one hand you consider a timed exclusive a partnership, on the other a game that is coming out on 1 platform only (with platform holder not as publisher) is not a partnership.

If the platform holder is not publishing the title, then how is there a partnership just because the game only releases on that platform? That's just silly.

J_Allard said:
If the platform holder is not publishing the title, then how is there a partnership just because the game only releases on that platform? That's just silly.

So in order for it to be a partnership, the platformer holder needs to publish the game at all costs? MGS4 is not on 360 because Konami doesn't want extra sales? Thats just silly.

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Turkish said:

would be going out of business.

Sine Mora would've come out regardless of Microsoft publishing it, they did it because it was a timed exclusive. Otherwise Digital Reality would've published it just like they did on PSN. Your logic in considering what is 3rd party partnership is flawed. On one hand you consider a timed exclusive a partnership, on the other a game that is coming out on 1 platform only (with platform holder not as publisher) is not a partnership.

Why that everytime i prove you wrong that you make another excuse?   I countinue to explain this but or whatever reason you have some other reason to why it is flawed.  This is a business, and people make deals.  That is a partership.  Microsoft paid for them to come to their platform exclusively and the developers agreed to it.  Once the contract ended they took sine mora to ps3 themselves.  That was the deal to keep it exclusive for a certain amount of time and then they can do whatever they want with it


Turkish said:
J_Allard said:
If the platform holder is not publishing the title, then how is there a partnership just because the game only releases on that platform? That's just silly.

So in order for it to be a partnership, the platformer holder needs to publish the game at all costs? MGS4 is not on 360 because Konami doesn't want extra sales? Thats just silly.

You seem like a guy who should be smart enough to understand what partnership means.

As for MGS4, is there a partnership? Who knows. Do you know? No. Do I know? No. Is there precedence for a Japanese company not releasing a game on 360 because the cost may not be worth the potential revenue? Yes.

360 has more than a couple RTS games not on PS3 but not published by MS. Do these developers/publishers have a "partnership" with MS? No.

You were dead wrong about Sine Mora. Just get over it and quit finding inane stuff to complain about.

JayWood2010 said:
Turkish said:

would be going out of business.

Sine Mora would've come out regardless of Microsoft publishing it, they did it because it was a timed exclusive. Otherwise Digital Reality would've published it just like they did on PSN. Your logic in considering what is 3rd party partnership is flawed. On one hand you consider a timed exclusive a partnership, on the other a game that is coming out on 1 platform only (with platform holder not as publisher) is not a partnership.

Why that everytime i prove you wrong that you make another excuse?   I countinue to explain this but or whatever reason you have some other reason to why it is flawed.  This is a business, and people make deals.  That is a partership.  Microsoft paid for them to come to their platform exclusively and the developers agreed to it.  Once the contract ended they took sine mora to ps3 themselves.  That was the deal to keep it exclusive for a certain amount of time and then they can do whatever they want with it

Err you make the excuses andd you just repeated my words. Sine Mora is not a 3rd party partnership, the game exists on other platforms now. If I give you every 3rd party game that came out only on Sony platforms I would have more than 1000 titles. Didn't you get the memo? Your list is missing another game: MGS4

Flawed logic and incomplete list. I'll also reveal you another thing: when Sony publishes a game they get to own the IP.

J_Allard said:
Turkish said:
J_Allard said:
If the platform holder is not publishing the title, then how is there a partnership just because the game only releases on that platform? That's just silly.

So in order for it to be a partnership, the platformer holder needs to publish the game at all costs? MGS4 is not on 360 because Konami doesn't want extra sales? Thats just silly.

You seem like a guy who should be smart enough to understand what partnership means.

As for MGS4, is there a partnership? Who knows. Do you know? No. Do I know? No. Is there precedence for a Japanese company not releasing a game on 360 because the cost may not be worth the potential revenue? Yes.

360 has more than a couple RTS games not on PS3 but not published by MS. Do these developers/publishers have a "partnership" with MS? No.

You were dead wrong about Sine Mora. Just get over it and quit finding inane stuff to complain about.

No, FF13 ring a bell to you?

Sony can go in partnerships with 3rd parties without publishing their games. Thats all there is to, its not very complicated.

Turkish said:

Err you make the excuses andd you just repeated my words. Sine Mora is not a 3rd party partnership, the game exists on other platforms now. If I give you every 3rd party game that came out only on Sony platforms I would have more than 1000 titles. Didn't you get the memo? Your list is missing another game: MGS4

Flawed logic and incomplete list. I'll also reveal you another thing: when Sony publishes a game they get to own the IP.

I'm growing tired of you.  Your statements are making less and less sense.  MGS4 is not with Sony.  Exclusive has nothing to do with anything but i will put it on the list jsut to shut you up.  I mean seriosly kid, what is wrong with you?