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Turkish said:

would be going out of business.

Sine Mora would've come out regardless of Microsoft publishing it, they did it because it was a timed exclusive. Otherwise Digital Reality would've published it just like they did on PSN. Your logic in considering what is 3rd party partnership is flawed. On one hand you consider a timed exclusive a partnership, on the other a game that is coming out on 1 platform only (with platform holder not as publisher) is not a partnership.

Why that everytime i prove you wrong that you make another excuse?   I countinue to explain this but or whatever reason you have some other reason to why it is flawed.  This is a business, and people make deals.  That is a partership.  Microsoft paid for them to come to their platform exclusively and the developers agreed to it.  Once the contract ended they took sine mora to ps3 themselves.  That was the deal to keep it exclusive for a certain amount of time and then they can do whatever they want with it