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Turkish said:
J_Allard said:
If the platform holder is not publishing the title, then how is there a partnership just because the game only releases on that platform? That's just silly.

So in order for it to be a partnership, the platformer holder needs to publish the game at all costs? MGS4 is not on 360 because Konami doesn't want extra sales? Thats just silly.

You seem like a guy who should be smart enough to understand what partnership means.

As for MGS4, is there a partnership? Who knows. Do you know? No. Do I know? No. Is there precedence for a Japanese company not releasing a game on 360 because the cost may not be worth the potential revenue? Yes.

360 has more than a couple RTS games not on PS3 but not published by MS. Do these developers/publishers have a "partnership" with MS? No.

You were dead wrong about Sine Mora. Just get over it and quit finding inane stuff to complain about.