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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sony has less First Party Studios than Microsoft. 21 vs 15

S.T.A.G.E. said:
JayWood2010 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
JayWood2010 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

Dance Central and Nike Fitness game was fun though. :)

Yeah those games work perfectly with kinect.  I personally dont kare about kinect though.  

Is Nike Fitness good though?  How does it compare to an actual exercise program if it is good?

Well its a step by step process to increase your abilities, balance, speed. Really, really good stuff for a video game. I actually trusted it to help me grow athletically. It asks you your age, gender, weight, height, etc and starts on the average program based on that then assesses you on daily training points. It reminds me of what Sony did during the PS2 era with Kinectic: Wildfire just more....well made for the average household.

Well if i ever get kinect i might give it a try.  Well i know i wont buy a kinect but with the nexbox if it comes with it ill try it or something.


I will definitely get the Dance Central games if they are BC on the 720. I love to dance so those are strong on my list. I think it will be the same as this gen for me. Acutally, I believe I might just own all three consoles next gen. Ever since I broke away from Microsoft exclusivity in 2009 I quit focusing on one console and went back to my routine of owning all consoles, plus I was in marketing and realized brand loyalty is garbage. We'll see how the HD Twins announce their consoles with specs.

Bolded.  This exactly.  Ill never understand the reason to support a company like that.  Ill end up getting all three as well.  i already have a WiiU. But I know Ill get the Nexbox and PS4 as well becasue they both make games i like. 


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JayWood2010 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
JayWood2010 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
JayWood2010 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

Dance Central and Nike Fitness game was fun though. :)

Yeah those games work perfectly with kinect.  I personally dont kare about kinect though.  

Is Nike Fitness good though?  How does it compare to an actual exercise program if it is good?

Well its a step by step process to increase your abilities, balance, speed. Really, really good stuff for a video game. I actually trusted it to help me grow athletically. It asks you your age, gender, weight, height, etc and starts on the average program based on that then assesses you on daily training points. It reminds me of what Sony did during the PS2 era with Kinectic: Wildfire just more....well made for the average household.

Well if i ever get kinect i might give it a try.  Well i know i wont buy a kinect but with the nexbox if it comes with it ill try it or something.


I will definitely get the Dance Central games if they are BC on the 720. I love to dance so those are strong on my list. I think it will be the same as this gen for me. Acutally, I believe I might just own all three consoles next gen. Ever since I broke away from Microsoft exclusivity in 2009 I quit focusing on one console and went back to my routine of owning all consoles, plus I was in marketing and realized brand loyalty is garbage. We'll see how the HD Twins announce their consoles with specs.

Bolded.  This exactly.  Ill never understand the reason to support a company like that.  Ill end up getting all three as well.  i already have a WiiU. But I know Ill get the Nexbox and PS4 as well becasue they both make games i like. 

No way in hell I am missing out on the next Xenoblade and Bayonetta. Hell, I'll probably buckle down and get the next Mario. I want to wait until they have more games that I want though, three games isn't enough. I've given my first catchable eye to Sony because of their performance closing this gen, but since Microsoft is most likely going to follow Kaz Hirai's lead and announce first, then I guess thats the one to wait for first.

enditall727 said:

*BAM!* So that means MS should pump out more franchises than Sony on a regular basis

so they have no excuse to not deliver more high-end exclusives than Sony on the regular now

this will be the official Sony franchises vs MS franchises generation

who will have the more quality franchises as a whole?

you have enlightened me with this info. You have also raised the expectations so if MS DOES NOT deliver more franchises than Sony then....

i'll save that for later

this is going to be good

Microsoft better not choke. The ball is in their court for next gen with so many talented devs for hire. 

I don't get "brand loyalty" either. Even more so when some people swear by the brands. There are other reasons to only get one console such as time constraint, budget and space.

green_sky said:
I don't get "brand loyalty" either. Even more so when some people swear by the brands. There are other reasons to only get one console such as time constraint, budget and space.

Yeah i agree with that.


Around the Network
BenVTrigger said:
Most of those studios are brand new.

MS is gonna launch with multiple huge new IPs. Get ready people major games are coming

i really fucking hope so...

Wait, Superbot is a second party company? Didn't they form from Santa Montica?

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DanneSandin said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
DanneSandin said:
It's weird how many people (mostly Sony fans it seems) argue that most of MS's studios haven't done anything. They almost seem agitated! These studios haven't released anything yet because they're quite new and haven't had time to produce a game yet! Give them time folks, give them time... This gen will be very interesting!!

Have you ever thought that some of those Sony owners want to see Microsoft make legit games outside of Halo, Forza and Fable? They are sick of the repetitive process (and so am I). I agree that people need to be patient for the 720 but I am hopeful that Microsoft pays more attention to their first party next gen because of how many studios they've created.

I fully agree with your last sentence, and that's why I made that comment. I firmly believe MS will offer much more (and hopefully better) 1st party games next gen, but it sounded as if some people in here didn't get that these were new studios that haven't had a chance to release anything yet.

they were saying it to let it be known that they were new and didn't just trump the quality of the Sony studios i guess since Jaywood compared Sony and MS


it was more of like a "anybody could go out and just buy and make a bunch of random unknown studios" type of thing but idk


Nintendo and Sony could do the same but they dont


Sony really doesn't let JUST ANY studio become apart of Sony


i know who you are talking about though


if Jaywood would have put Ninty in place of Sony in this thread then there would have been Nintendo fans in this thread pointing out the same thing that the Sony fans have pointed out.


but i guess MS had no choice at this point


they really needed it the most


even M$ has no clue if these studios will be any good but you can bet that they hope so lol

enditall727 said:
DanneSandin said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
DanneSandin said:
It's weird how many people (mostly Sony fans it seems) argue that most of MS's studios haven't done anything. They almost seem agitated! These studios haven't released anything yet because they're quite new and haven't had time to produce a game yet! Give them time folks, give them time... This gen will be very interesting!!

Have you ever thought that some of those Sony owners want to see Microsoft make legit games outside of Halo, Forza and Fable? They are sick of the repetitive process (and so am I). I agree that people need to be patient for the 720 but I am hopeful that Microsoft pays more attention to their first party next gen because of how many studios they've created.

I fully agree with your last sentence, and that's why I made that comment. I firmly believe MS will offer much more (and hopefully better) 1st party games next gen, but it sounded as if some people in here didn't get that these were new studios that haven't had a chance to release anything yet.

they were saying it to let it be known that they were new and didn't just trump the quality of the Sony studios i guess since Jaywood compared Sony and MS


it was more of like a "anybody could go out and just buy and make a bunch random unknown studios" type of thing but idk


Nintendo and Sony could do the same but they dont


Sony really doesn't let JUST ANY studio become apart of Sony


i know who you are talking about though


if Jaywood would have put Ninty in place of Sony in this thread then there would have been Nintendo fans in this thread pointing out the same thing that the Sony fans have pointed out.


but i guess MS had no choice at this point


they really needed it the most


even M$ has no clue if these studios will be any good but you can bet that they hope so lol

MS definitely has no choice but to buy and create gaming houses, because the third party exclusives are going to dry up for the Playstation/Microsoft brands. Nintendo is probably the only brand that will get true third party exclusives all year round once their marketshare expands. Microsoft knows they have to fend for themselves so preparing new internal gaming houses and buying up independent houses to help with XBLA and Kinect as well will only help them. They need to impress on their own next gen.

enditall727 said:
DanneSandin said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
DanneSandin said:
It's weird how many people (mostly Sony fans it seems) argue that most of MS's studios haven't done anything. They almost seem agitated! These studios haven't released anything yet because they're quite new and haven't had time to produce a game yet! Give them time folks, give them time... This gen will be very interesting!!

Have you ever thought that some of those Sony owners want to see Microsoft make legit games outside of Halo, Forza and Fable? They are sick of the repetitive process (and so am I). I agree that people need to be patient for the 720 but I am hopeful that Microsoft pays more attention to their first party next gen because of how many studios they've created.

I fully agree with your last sentence, and that's why I made that comment. I firmly believe MS will offer much more (and hopefully better) 1st party games next gen, but it sounded as if some people in here didn't get that these were new studios that haven't had a chance to release anything yet.

they were saying it to let it be known that they were new and didn't just trump the quality of the Sony studios i guess since Jaywood compared Sony and MS


it was more of like a "anybody could go out and just buy and make a bunch of random unknown studios" type of thing but idk


Nintendo and Sony could do the same but they dont


Sony really doesn't let JUST ANY studio become apart of Sony


i know who you are talking about though


if Jaywood would have put Ninty in place of Sony in this thread then there would have been Nintendo fans in this thread pointing out the same thing that the Sony fans have pointed out.


but i guess MS had no choice at this point


they really needed it the most


even M$ has no clue if these studios will be any good but you can bet that they hope so lol

No, I agree with you; MS more or less had no choice going into this gen but to swoop up studios and hope they'll deliver!

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