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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Official Legend of Zelda Thread: Echoes of Wisdom Sells 3.91 Million Units

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It's cool that you guys in the US get those gifts from Club Nintendo at the end of each year... We here need to save up for everything. No gifts, unless you're lucky enough to win one of the contests . EDIT: Sidenote... That Luigi's Mansion figurine seems to be sold out on Club Nintendo in Europe already... D*mn, I wanted that.

Also, I hope Zelda in Zelda U looks a bit like Zelda in Smash (which is obviously TP Zelda) again. Just looks the most 'Zelda'-like to me.

And yes, playing Ocarina for the first time again is something to be jealous of .

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Some fun stuff for you guys:

What if Nintendo had used the wall-merging mechanic from A Link Between Worlds back in 1992?


And what about a remake of Link's Awakening? Might look something like this:


Source: Kotaku

Wow. The Link's Awakening  remake artwork looks impressive.  Kudos to whoever did it.

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

I agree the Link's Awakening artwork looks very cool, could be nice HD-remake .
Though Link himself looks weird...

LoL! Link looks chubby as hell in that Link's Awakening mock-up! But other than that it looks cool, though, they should have added colour to it!

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

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More Zelda art! This time courtesy of Mr. Nate Hallinan:






Hey, that's pretty kick ass Zelda art!!

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

I saw that art a couple of days ago. The Goron in particular looks pretty badass.

Nintendo and PC gamer

Check out this cool Zelda violin music. Competition for Lindsey Stirling?

I apologize if anyone has talked about this before, but Bertil Horberg (the creator of Gunman Clive aka the best 2 dollars I've ever spent) is working on a new game that looks like it is inspired by Zelda in the same way that Gunman Clive was inspired by Megaman. Its coming exclusively to the 3ds eshop and hopefully its coming out sometime this year. Here's the first footage of it

I'm excited