Anybody in Europe can check where loz is at on eshop top 20 in sales? US its 7th!
Anybody in Europe can check where loz is at on eshop top 20 in sales? US its 7th!
Any idea how well this has sold on the eshop? I know it's in the top like 7 all time now but I have no clue what the actual digital numbers are.
tbone51 said: Anybody in Europe can check where loz is at on eshop top 20 in sales? US its 7th! |
Isn't released yet .
Here the digital version along with the Ganondorf version and the console bundle will be released the same day as the regular retail version; October 4th.
Off-topic side-note; Will be a weird day for me. I hope to graduate university on October 4th, then after that I can go straight to the game-store to get my Wind Waker copy. I'll probably be thinking; "yeah, yeah give me my grade already", the whole day .
spurgeonryan said: I guess I got the digital version and hyrule historia. I wish nintednoland came with the bundle as well. |
You took the plunge, Ryan? That's awesome. I hope you enjoy it, man.
benji232 said:
Nintendoland is only 20$ on amazon and it is worth it imo. |
Definitely worth it. A richer, deeper game than Wii Sports with tons of replay value.
S.Peelman said:
Isn't released yet Here the digital version along with the Ganondorf version and the console bundle will be released the same day as the regular retail version; October 4th. Off-topic side-note; Will be a weird day for me. I hope to graduate university on October 4th, then after that I can go straight to the game-store to get my Wind Waker copy. I'll probably be thinking; "yeah, yeah give me my grade already", the whole day |
That's exciting, Peelman! We'll have to do something special on October 4, to celebrate Wind Waker AND your commencement :D
Veknoid_Outcast said: |
Anyone going for this pre-order bonus? It's not great, but it's better than nothing.
Hey, the limited edition Wind Waker HD game with Ganon figure is back on sale at GameStop!
Man I'm so psyched for both WWHD and aLbW!!! Unfortunately I'm not getting a WiiU until sometime next year :/ 3DS I'm getting later this year!!
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