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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Official Legend of Zelda Thread: Echoes of Wisdom Sells 3.91 Million Units

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Cadence of Hyrule DLC #2 is out now:

Don't have that game yet, I'll need to buy the retail version when it releases in a couple months, otherwise my complete (yeah, completely everything now (or well, kind of a lie, there's one thing still missing)) collection won't be complete anymore.

S.Peelman said:

Don't have that game yet, I'll need to buy the retail version when it releases in a couple months, otherwise my complete (yeah, completely everything now (or well, kind of a lie, there's one thing still missing)) collection won't be complete anymore.

Same here. I have the retail edition preordered. I really like to have all things Zelda in physical form, so I am glad it’s coming soon :)

Link's Awakening t-shirt on sale at for $2:


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Nintendo dropping surprises like its their job:

Coming November 20!

RolStoppable said:
Hyrule Warriors was great because it came at a time when the main series was puzzle-obsessed, so the focus on big battles was a refreshing change of pace. Unfortunately, the framerate in co-op was terrible at times.

Fire Emblem Warriors was a better game in pretty much every way. Still, the enemy spawn rates in co-op were less than good which lessened the whole experience.

Hyrule Warriors: AoC is the second Switch game, so hopefully the developers are now skilled enough with the hardware to get both framerate and enemy spawn rates right in co-op. Single-player was good in all Nintendo-themed Warriors games, but rocksolid co-op would be icing on the cake.

Yeah, I remember suffering through some choppy co-op on WiiU. 

But I'm excited, particularly about Nintendo's direct involvement in the design of the game. I liked Hyrule Warriors, but the Musou genre by nature is repetitive. Ideally, Nintendo will bring more mechanics and systems from BotW into Age of Calamity.

Just finished 2nd playthrough of SS, 1st one was, I think, some 6-7 years ago.

Such a lovely and underappreciated game. Yes, it does have too much hand holding. Yes, it is too linear. Yes, it reuses same regions again and again.

Some will argue it has too many puzzles - as someone who actually likes puzzles, I say it has too little exploration for proper balance, just like most Aonuma Zeldas.

But important part for me is that it has "lock and key" as primary mechanism...whether it is actual lock and key, rock and bomb, or distant ledge and hook).

I can see myself replaying it again in 5-6 years.