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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Official Legend of Zelda Thread: Echoes of Wisdom Sells 3.91 Million Units

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Yeah Link's Awakening has grinded to a halt it seems.

Too bad, because Link's Awakening and this remake are great, but it seems such a peculiar 2D/overhead game is still only for the Zelda core fanbase. Breath of the Wild however continues to do do absolutely fantastic.

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RolStoppable said:

I got to play the remake myself recently. Not fond of the dungeon builder because it gets repetitive long before you've finished the 12 initial challenges you are being given.

Got to agree with this, while it looked fun in the trailers at first there's not that much to it, and it's features are very limited. I never completed all challenges.

xMetroid said:
Mind blowing how much Zelda became a HUGE franchise now. I think if the Mario movie does well, Zelda is clearly next.
Link's awakening will reach 5+ millions lifetime for sure. So i think it is pretty safe to say the BOTW sequel will surpass 10 millions.

I would trade a kidney for a good Zelda movie.

Mar1217 said:
psychicscubadiver said:

I would trade a kidney for a good Zelda movie.

I would trade mine just to see Studio Ghibli in charge of it.

That'd be cool, but I'd also be interested in a live action Zelda movie. Who would play Link? Would he be adult or child? I'm more interested in seeing how a Zelda movie would turn out; I don't have high expectations given the high percentage of videogame movie adaptations that have gone horribly wrong.

I'm not a big movie guy myself, but I'm so into gaming that I'll watch movies based on games. My favorite that I can think of is the first Resident Evil movie. I actually can't think of anything else really that I liked a lot, but I'm probably drawing a blank. The recent Pokemon movie with the talking Pikachu I liked. I went with my daughter and had a lot of fun. Doom didn't turn out well to my liking. I tried watching Silent Hill but never got compelled enough to keep watching.

Zelda, though. So much potential to epic but at the same time there are so many ways to screw it up.

Not sure if anyone has done this yet, but if you add up all the shipment+digital sales for Breath of the Wild in Japan for each fiscal year, it comes out like this:
FY 03/2017 - .51 million (.39 on NSW; .12 on Wii U)
FY 03/2018 - .70 million
FY 03/2019 - .47 million
FY 03/2020 - .45 million.

That all adds up to 2.13 million. (2.01 million on Switch alone). This makes Breath of the Wild the first Zelda game of all time to pass 2 million units in Japan.

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Mar1217 said:
psychicscubadiver said:

I would trade a kidney for a good Zelda movie.

I would trade mine just to see Studio Ghibli in charge of it.

If you and about 1000 others are willing to get their kidneys onto the black market and pool the money, that can be made to happen.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

If momentum has remained consistent in pushing titles BOTW may at this point be at 20m total given the total was 19m at the end of March, also note that on NS alone it has outsold the prior 3 mainline installments (ALBW, SS, TP) combined, their total together also including the GC version of TP is 17m.

These numbers are just outstanding. And I would rather see Nintendo focus it's efforts on mainline Zelda games at this point. I don't have the biggest interest in remakes (although a Majora's Mask HD would probably be a day-one purchase.

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Lol, I still remember when I doubted 15m LTD for both Switch and Wii U versions. Now 20M Switch version is guaranteed.

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