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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Official Legend of Zelda Thread: Echoes of Wisdom Sells 3.91 Million Units

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Link's Awakening soundtrack up for pre-order:

Doesn't look like there are any imminent plans to release this in the west.


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Do they patch new animals into the game?

Wyrdness said:
Do they patch new animals into the game?

Don't think so, pretty sure I've killed few of those for food in my playtrough.

Wyrdness said:
Do they patch new animals into the game?

Yeah those definitely aren't new. That's the Eldin Ostrich.

I remember killing them and watching their food drops cook on the ground from the heat. That was fun to see the first time.

Mar1217 said:
HylianSwordsman said:

Yeah those definitely aren't new. That's the Eldin Ostrich.

I remember killing them and watching their food drops cook on the ground from the heat. That was fun to see the first time.

Was going through there today in my 2nd playthrough and wondered how the heck do they normally survive in these conditions ...

Maybe they eat the abundant fireproof lizards ?

Per the wiki:

"These large birds make their home in the hot and volcanic Eldin province, from which they get their name, and are well adapted to their environment with heat resistant feathers and skin"

So I guess killing them cuts them open and exposes non-heat resistant flesh to the air, allowing the food drops to cook.

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Check out this cool footage of the beta version of Ocarina of Time:

Veknoid_Outcast said:

Check out this cool footage of the beta version of Ocarina of Time:

Here's some more which details the original plans, and stuff that got cut in the beta.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

Happy birthday Breath of the Wild. Already three years old.