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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Official Legend of Zelda Thread: Echoes of Wisdom Sells 3.91 Million Units

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mZuzek said:
Runa216 said:

Stopped reading here. 

Come on, you literally only had to read one more phrase to see I didn't mean it.

Well then don't start your post with such an absurdly ridiculous statement. 

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Eh, personally I wouldn't even say Wind Waker is "pretty good."

The pacing is awful, the world is empty, the dungeons are mediocre, the art style is hideous...

mZuzek said:
curl-6 said:

Eh, personally I wouldn't even say Wind Waker is "pretty good."

The pacing is awful, the world is empty, the dungeons are mediocre, the art style is hideous...

Yes, I was expecting you. But honestly, I was hoping you'd be more proud about my current take on it.

Oh I do think your breakdown was quite good. We have different opinions but you articulate and explain yours very well and in a way that was enjoyable to read.

mZuzek said:
curl-6 said:

Oh I do think your breakdown was quite good. We have different opinions but you articulate and explain yours very well and in a way that was enjoyable to read.

I wasn't looking for an objective assessment, though.

My bad...

mZuzek said:
curl-6 said:

My bad...

So, can I finally be your buddy now that I hate Wind Waker too?

We weren't already buddies? Oh mZuzek, you cut me to the quick my good fellow.

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curl-6 said:

Eh, personally I wouldn't even say Wind Waker is "pretty good."

The pacing is awful, the world is empty, the dungeons are mediocre, the art style is hideous...

YOUR art is hideous bucko, wish you weren't in Smash now, making fun of Toon Link like that, smh not buying Ultimate anymore 

Huh, it's not my favorite Zelda game, but I really enjoyed Wind Waker. I loved sailing the ocean, finding new islands and filling in the map. The character work was better than most Zeldas with Link communicating a lot with just his expression. I will agree that the dungeons were very lacking and the art style took some ... getting used to. Pacing was never an issue for me as I enjoyed wandering and nosing about and while the islands were small I never felt that the world was empty. That's a charge better leveled at the sky in Skyward Sword or the entire map of Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks.

Wind Waker is good but it's still my second-to-last least favorite 3D Zelda. The artstyle is by far the best thing about it, and the Wii U version looked gorgeous, but when talking about the actual game, it really isn't as good as the other Zelda games. The dungeons specifically were pretty weak imo (Wind Temple is the only one I remember fondly), and the big and empty overworld got tiring after a while. The amazing music is honestly what saved the sailing for me.

I actually really wonder where I would rank it had it not been rushed, it had the potential to be "Top 3 Zelda games" tier to me, especially if they implemented the real-time aging that looked really cool.

Objectively WW has issues I think what WW does is that it introduced Zelda to the concept of an reactive living animated world so even though the dungeons aren't that good, the game has a fair bit of padding etc... The game ends up giving off a lot more charm than you'd expect.

Vini256 said:

Wind Waker is good but it's still my second-to-last least favorite 3D Zelda. The artstyle is by far the best thing about it, and the Wii U version looked gorgeous, but when talking about the actual game, it really isn't as good as the other Zelda games. The dungeons specifically were pretty weak imo (Wind Temple is the only one I remember fondly), and the big and empty overworld got tiring after a while. The amazing music is honestly what saved the sailing for me.

I actually really wonder where I would rank it had it not been rushed, it had the potential to be "Top 3 Zelda games" tier to me, especially if they implemented the real-time aging that looked really cool.

da wat????

Welp, time to go watch Beta 64