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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Official Legend of Zelda Thread: Echoes of Wisdom Sells 3.91 Million Units

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I do like the combining system in Dragon's Dogma it's something that could benefit the next mainline Zelda in allowing some items be crafted with out needing cooking facilities near by. Another possible idea to play around with stems from the earlier suggested blacksmith feature where on top of adding the possibility of repairing gear using resources you find a feature maybe added after doing quests and such where you can either enhance weapons or create better ones similar to the Alchemy Pot feature in the DQ series.

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You can trigger the slow mo flurry yourself using bombs effectively not requiring an enemy to attack you and turning the mechanic into one that the player can turn on.

Zelda chess set on sale!

List Price: $74.99 
Price: $39.99
You Save: $35.00 (47%)


Acquired Hyrule Historia this weekend and it's really an eye opener when you see the many concepts and ideas that have floated around the franchise for example some of the cancelled bosses for Wind Waker look slick in their design.

Yeah Hyrule Historia is awesome. The other two (it’s a series of three books), Arts & Artifacts and Encyclopedia are just as great!

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S.Peelman said:
Yeah Hyrule Historia is awesome. The other two (it’s a series of three books), Arts & Artifacts and Encyclopedia are just as great!

It's like catnip for Zelda fans

BOTW trending heavily on twitter and the reason is because people are listing their top 3 Zelda games and it's popping up on almost everyone's list.

Wyrdness said:
BOTW trending heavily on twitter and the reason is because people are listing their top 3 Zelda games and it's popping up on almost everyone's list.

Looks like a lot of folks are now also comparing BotW to the new Pokemon footage.

Wyrdness said:
BOTW trending heavily on twitter and the reason is because people are listing their top 3 Zelda games and it's popping up on almost everyone's list.

My 3 favourites are:

1 - A Link to the Past (love the game but mostly just #1 for nostalgia)
2 - Breath of the Wild (Objectively the best one in virtually every way)
3 - Wind Waker (Best music, story, and characters, second best art direction)

beyond those three it gets kind of muddled. II and Skyward Sword are at the bottom (not counting the CDi games), Ocarina of Time is simply okay, most of the handheld games are good but not great. 

My Console Library:

PS5, Switch, XSX

PS4, PS3, PS2, PS1, WiiU, Wii, GCN, N64 SNES, XBO, 360

3DS, DS, GBA, Vita, PSP, Android

Runa216 said:
Wyrdness said:
BOTW trending heavily on twitter and the reason is because people are listing their top 3 Zelda games and it's popping up on almost everyone's list.

My 3 favourites are:

1 - A Link to the Past (love the game but mostly just #1 for nostalgia)
2 - Breath of the Wild (Objectively the best one in virtually every way)
3 - Wind Waker (Best music, story, and characters, second best art direction)

beyond those three it gets kind of muddled. II and Skyward Sword are at the bottom (not counting the CDi games), Ocarina of Time is simply okay, most of the handheld games are good but not great. 

I'm sure that's the case for most people where they have a clear top 3 and everything below that is subject to change about.