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@ Fax


OT: Yeah, I don't have a paypal, or a credit card, or a debit card, wow, I need to get a job.

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DMeisterJ said:
@ Fax


OT: Yeah, I don't have a paypal, or a credit card, or a debit card, wow, I need to get a job.

19 years old and no job :O

^ Yeah, I'm a slacker. But I go to college, and I have excellent grades. I have no time for work, I'd never be able to be on VGC.

nothing wrong with being 19 and no job, i didn't when i was 19. and yes i WAS a slacker, i have a job now.

So cool to see so many people willing to donate to him, VG chartz members look after eachother.

Wow, alot of nice people here, I don't know if superchunk was being sarcastic, that's why I get nervous checking this thread because posts like that make me brace myself and cringe.

And as for the user that said I can't get a job, I'm a hard worker that lost my job due to my life turning upside down, and it's hard 2 obtain a new one with no net and no working car and the fact that my life is still upside down, if you're not going to say anything nice plz the nicest thing u cn do 4 me is just nt say it because i really dont need to b reading it.

I'm on the last of my credit so this may be my last appearance until I can my net back online,
For each and everyone that did/does donate your kindness won't go unrewarded once i'm well on my feet again.

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ok, so it has been brought to my attention that this was not a joke thread. I thought this was intended as a sarcastic thread since AoA has an enormous -vgc$ value, not that he is really having issues financially in his real life.

In that case I apologize for my comment, it was only in an attempt to be sarcastic based on my original interpretation of the thread.

Unfortunately, I am unable to assist you AoA and I sincerely hope only the best for you.

Ive only been able to send a bit, hope it helps. ( for reference :P)

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned for Sega. - Jason Lee, Mallrats. - Mainly American Football, snippets of Basketball, European Football and Hockey. 

Wow! 7 people have donated already, I'm writing down each and every one of your emails, even a lirker submited, lota nice people here

hey some of AOA's debt has been written off (in VGchartz) that was pretty nice, ouwld like to donate all my vgchartz$ to write off the rest of his VG$ debt

Soon as next payday comes along I'll try and send some money your way, bro

Crusty VGchartz old timer who sporadically returns & posts. Let's debate nebulous shit and expand our perpectives. Or whatever.