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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Forbes: Is Microsoft in trouble?

While the blog is for the most part full of fail there is truth within the lies. While ms isn't in as bad as shape as Sony in terms of being sold off to the highest bidder, I believe a major shift is on the verge of taking place in computer technology and ms seems to be on the outside looking in.

While many users are switching to more mobile products and the ipad is the clearly the current leader in that area, companies like Samsung, lanova, hp, dell, and more are diversifying their tablets to include chrome models is shows if ms doesn't execute we'll they could be a company with tons of cash and little business.

It's hard to picture a world without ms as a huge part of the computer world, bit then again 20 years ago you couldn't picture apple being the leader. 

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Paraphrasing some of the arguments above, with elaborations in [].

"holiday PC sales declined over 3% compared to 2011"
I think when you are citing a 3% drop YoY for one particular month as evidence of doom, you are clutching at straws. Even if the margin of error on those things is a mere 1.5% (and they would much much higher), then we can't even conclude that it IS definitely a drop.

"MS went from 95% [in the PC/laptop market] in 2005 to 20% [in the PC, laptop, phone and tablet markets] in 2012.
Apples =/= oranges.

"In 2005 there were 55 Windows devices sold for every Apple device; today explosive Apple sales has lowered that multiple to a mere 2!"
Only a fanboy would consider Apple's gain to be Microsoft's loss. It's a big market, there is room for two.

"And with all future market growth coming in tablets, which are expected to more than double unit volume sales by 2016, Microsoft is simply not in the game."
No growth does not equal decline

"a mere 2% compared to the number of people tweeting from iPads (Kindle was second, Android third.) Looking at more traditional units shipped information, UBS analysts reported Surface sales were 5% of iPads shipped."
The 2% number is idiotic. Compare how many people are currently playing Xbox360 to how many are currently playing WiiU. The 360 will win the comparison, due to years worth of install base, despite the fact that the WiiU is selling considerably better launches aligned. The 5% is less idiotic, but not overly worrying. Not coming first, against a popular, entrenched forerunner, is hardly being doomed. Surface will sell fine, but it was never expected to beat the ipad.

Lets look at two statements made in the article
1.) Microsoft makes more than 75% of its profits from Windows and Office.
2.) As more and more of the market shifts to competitive cloud infrastructure Apple, Amazon, Samsung and others will grow significantly. Microsoft, losing its user base

Cloud computing shows no signs of replacing Windows or Office any time soon. Google has an extremely high quality cloud based office suite, and has had it for years. Anyone know it's market share? Essentially 0. Cloud computing won't do anything to Windows sales.

The article admits that 75% of MS's revenue will most likely neither decrease nor increase in the near future, and then tries to claim MS is doomed?

The post is just cherry picked data, and comparisons, not showing that MS is doomed, but that other people are doing better.

not buying into any of it. MS will be fine. MS will find bread and butter some place else.

Nintendo will never find a bread and butter replacement like OS development.

S.T.A.G.E. said:
not buying into any of it. MS will be fine. MS will find bread and butter some place else.

Nintendo will never find a bread and butter replacement like OS development.

couldn't agree more. Nintendo is doomzed lol. hey there's a first for everything. 

Rab said:
Wh1pL4shL1ve_007 said:
Rab said:
007BondAgent said:

i thought the 360 was making a profit :/ although the article states otherwise.. is there any truth to that?

The Entertainment and Online services divisions are making regular losses or only small gains, they are currently the weakest sectors. If the Nexbox is a money looser (expensive hardware sold at a loss) from the start it could spell the end of the gaming division in time

MS is a bigger company than sony. And yet  Sony's gaming division has only been making small gains and huge losses. It hasn't disbanded yet. Then you came in here sayingthat the next box would cripple MS to the point of disbanding their gaming division? Haha.. no

It wont cripple MS, I didnt say that, don't make stuff up just to make a point

But if MS decide to tighten up, the Entertainment and Online Services may be short listed particularly if the 720 make losses because of subsidised hardware

maybe cripple was the wrong word to use. But MS took a hell of a lot more loss in the original Xbox than the 360. Theres no way they would shortlist 720 unless it would only sell for 20 million. 


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S.T.A.G.E. said:
not buying into any of it. MS will be fine. MS will find bread and butter some place else.

Nintendo will never find a bread and butter replacement like OS development.

couldn't agree more. Nintendo is doomzed lol. hey there's a first for everything. 

Oops! I mean't Microsoft! Sorry for the typo.

S.T.A.G.E. said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
not buying into any of it. MS will be fine. MS will find bread and butter some place else.

Nintendo will never find a bread and butter replacement like OS development.

couldn't agree more. Nintendo is doomzed lol. hey there's a first for everything. 

Oops! I mean't Microsoft! Sorry for the typo.

MS exsit only in the void. where time stands still, only to revel in their former glory, reflecting on their failures lol. 

"The entertainment division will be spun off, sold to someone like Sony or possibly Barnes & Noble, or dramatically reduced in size."

It's losing money so Sony would buy it? Makes perfect sense cause Sony is killing it right now.

MikeB predicts that the PS3 will sell about 140 million units by the end of 2016 and triple the amount of 360s in the long run.