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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Advance Wars: Days of Ruin, Is anyone playing this?

Il buy it when it will arrive :) I heard that its great ( the GBA versions where good ) .

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I have this and cannot stop playing. Its excellent, must buy.


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I am a PC gamer, and also have a NDS now, but without access to a Nintendo Wii until End of 2007.

Currently playing: Super Smash Brothers Brawl(Wii), Mystery Dungeon: Shiren the Wanderer(DS), Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime (DS), WiiFit(Wii)

Games Recently Beaten: Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King (Normal; Very Hard after the next DLCs become available)

1 word: RTFA

I prefer Dual Strike. There are a few things that I miss from DS, the characters were much better in that game, the whole "post-apocolyptic" storyline in days of ruin is a bit cliche and boring. The war room and the CO points you get were great, and kept me playing long after I finished the game. Apparently DoR doesn't have a hard campaign either. The cartoony style of DS looked better, especially in the battle animations. And the control system of DoR seems worse, like it's more difficult to use the stylus.

And although it's not a big thing, I really miss the little city capturing animations and sounds from the old advance wars.

But still, it's a fantastic game, and well worth a buy.

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Yes, it has online multiplayer (as well as 4-player LAN games - single cart? not sure).

I'll be picking it up for sure once it launches here - spent 100hrs+ on Dual Strike, love that game to death.

Can't wait for some online action! 

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KohlyKohl said:
I cannot put it down. This is far and away the best Advance Wars yet. The touch screen allows for much better movement and I am so glad they took out CO Powers. I am really enjoying the story in this one which is more than I can say for the previous games in the series. 9.5/10 for me.

Agreed! While i can't say i agree on everything (eg. story sucks imo) it's a very very fun game!


No it doesn't support single cart play :/ 

Waiting till Friday for it to come out in UK. I'm so excited you can't imagine. Advance Wars Dual Strike is my most played game ever and the only reason why I stopped playing was cause I lost my copy and couldn't bring myself to buying a new copy and then having to unlock everything all over again.

omgwtfbbq said:
I prefer Dual Strike. There are a few things that I miss from DS, the characters were much better in that game, the whole "post-apocolyptic" storyline in days of ruin is a bit cliche and boring. The war room and the CO points you get were great, and kept me playing long after I finished the game. Apparently DoR doesn't have a hard campaign either. The cartoony style of DS looked better, especially in the battle animations. And the control system of DoR seems worse, like it's more difficult to use the stylus.

And although it's not a big thing, I really miss the little city capturing animations and sounds from the old advance wars.

But still, it's a fantastic game, and well worth a buy.

 OMG, what do you like about it? From your comments I would guess you think it's a mediocre entry into the series and a little bit of a letdown.

fkusumot said:
omgwtfbbq said:
I prefer Dual Strike. There are a few things that I miss from DS, the characters were much better in that game, the whole "post-apocolyptic" storyline in days of ruin is a bit cliche and boring. The war room and the CO points you get were great, and kept me playing long after I finished the game. Apparently DoR doesn't have a hard campaign either. The cartoony style of DS looked better, especially in the battle animations. And the control system of DoR seems worse, like it's more difficult to use the stylus.

And although it's not a big thing, I really miss the little city capturing animations and sounds from the old advance wars.

But still, it's a fantastic game, and well worth a buy.

OMG, what do you like about it? From your comments I would guess you think it's a mediocre entry into the series and a little bit of a letdown.

Don't get me wrong. I love the game. I'm a huge fan of Advance Wars, and the game is fantastic. I was just focusing on the negatives, most other people have mentioned the positives. In a way, I'm glad they went a different way. There were some things about dual strike that annoyed me too, such as the ridiculously powerful tag powers. The actual game is probably just as good.

The main things I don't like about it come down to style. The characters, the story, the graphics style, I feel don't live up to the previous ones. I'm sure there are many people who disagree with me. The game itself is just as good (although I think the anti-tank guns are overpowered). If you like Advance Wars, definitely pick it up. If you haven't played it before, personally I would recommend DS over DoR

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i love this game. i think its better than AW:DS