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Forums - Sony Discussion - The winner for hardware revenue in December is.....Sony

LoL now Sony has to win by hardware revenue ... so sorry to hear that.
That is a PR spin, u don't judge console results by compare hardware revenue, but hardware numbers.
There is no ending if you want to compare revenue, you can start comparing hardware revenue, software revenue, hardware + software revenue, hardware + software + licensing revenue, hardware profit, software profit, hardware + software profit, hardware + software + licensing profit, hardware numbers, software numbers, hardware + software numbers, and the list can go on and on... surely sony may win one out of the infinity categories..

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We'll have to be sure to revive this thread on January 31st for a good laugh.

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Jandre002 said:
Dolla Dolla said:
Revenue is the keyword.

When you have 3 different systems on the market, all more expensive then the competition ('cept the PS2), it's kinda easy to win in revenue, no?

Exactly. Which is why Sony is in a very healthy position. But come on, you all just HAD to believe it was going to be Nintendo. The last person you thought it would be is Sony.

*Sniff sniff* Do I smell a price drop perhaps? Whats sure is that if Xbox360 drops, so will the PS3.


 Jandre look up revenue and profit please. You are starting to look quite silly. If it cost me $1 to make a glass of lemonade and I sold that ten glasses of lemonade for $1.20, I would have made $2 in profit but my revenue would be $12. If it cost you a $1.25 to make a glass of lemonade and you sold ten glasses for a $1.40, you would have made $1.50 in profit but you revenue would be $14. You had more revenue, I made more money.

So much for the "sony is losing way to much money on hardware." stuff huh?

They are losing a ton on hardware. They still lose money on every 40gb PS3 they sell. All of their revenue probably doesn't even offset the costs incurred by the PS3 in the last 2 months. Why on earth would you think they are doing well based on their revenue?

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

erikers said:
Wow, they only had to bunch 3 consoles together to say that. I'm sure that's great consolation for Sony as it watches the PSP get crushed in hardware and software sales by the DS and watches the PS3 lose to everybody. Not to mention they don't even make a penny on the "revenue" the PS3 brings in.

Gotta love pointless articles like this that fail to paint an even close to actual picture of what's really going on

I've got to love the fact that people have to RUSH into this thread to discount the OP just because "OMG TEH SONY CANNOT HAVE GOODNESS EVAR!!!" Seriously, this is getting rediculous. I am not a mean person but I would laugh my ass off if Sony ever CRUSHED Nintendo again like they did the last two generations. I never insulted Nintendo, I own a Wii, a PS3 and a 360 yet every time I come here I feel offended because of the arrogance of Nintendo fanboys.

 PS: Lets also remember among graphically next-gen consoles the PS3 is still outselling the 360 WW.

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Dammit erikers is back!

On topic:

Yes this is great for sony, did they make a profit? Yes ofcourse just not off the ps3.



I know the difference between revenue and profit.

1. I would have automatically assumed it was Nintendo off the bat, because they have huge HUGE sales this whole season. Profit is still Nintendo, or course.

2. With revenue being so high, they arent losing money in hardware department, no matter how you cut it. They didnt make money off of PS3 hardware, not doubt, but they are only losing money on the 40gb at this point. All other hardware sales, including the 80gb are profitable.

Jandre002 said:
I know the difference between revenue and profit.

1. I would have automatically assumed it was Nintendo off the bat, because they have huge HUGE sales this whole season. Profit is still Nintendo, or course.

2. With revenue being so high, they arent losing money in hardware department, no matter how you cut it. They didnt make money off of PS3 hardware, not doubt, but they are only losing money on the 40gb at this point. All other hardware sales, including the 80gb are profitable.

And how exactly do you know that?

Anyway, on topic: of course Sony had the most revenue. Companies tend to do that when they have more product lines available and the majority of those product lines are more expensive than the competition.

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leo-j said:
Dammit erikers is back!

On topic:

Yes this is great for sony, did they make a profit? Yes ofcourse just not off the ps3.

Well, my goal was to constantly spam my posts in threads I had no knowledge of like you leo-j but then I realized I had too much integrity, respect, and common sense to do that. Congratulations are in order for what must have been at least your 25th ban a couple of days ago.

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Completed Retail: 17 / 64
GS Completion %: 82.63%

well... it should've been obvious that they'd have the most revenue. 3 consoles, 1 priced at 400$-500$.