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Forums - Gaming Discussion - EA Calls Fox Out on Insulting Mass Effect Inaccuracies

twesterm said:
Sincere or not, I'm glad she at least bothered to look at the game and then admit she was wrong.

Now what I would really like is for her to return on Fox News though that isn't going to happen.

 I agree. But it did take a lot of humility for her to own up to her mistake.


She is still wrong, but hopefully she will exercise more professional practices in the future.

I'm not a fanboy, I just try to tip the balance in favor of logic and common sense.

Around the Network

She deserved the backlash 100%, as she was easily guilty of the most ignorant comments made during the segment.

If she actually went back and watched someone play the game then I have to give her a little credit, but its what she should have done in the first place so not really.

In the end, she made her apologies, and admitted her mistake before the world (the gaming world anyway). I'd like to see Fox cover the fact that she retracted her statements and preferably do another segment on the issue, but at least make mention of the mistakes that were made.

Ironically though, even if they do, it won't get the coverage on the net that the initial story did.

To Each Man, Responsibility

ME is an awesome game worthy of 9 - 10's fox news blonded the public of a truely good game.

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