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Forums - General Discussion - VGChartz newcomer of the year 2012 - Nominations

Jay520 said:
I always thought TheEvilBanana was the premiere banana user.

there is a new king in town baby

Around the Network

can us new comers of 2012 vote? i assume we cant vote for our selfs so im gonna say DanneSandin, the guy is really nice. dont know who else singed up in 2012 though lol

Edit : add The1 and Kresnik to DanneSandin as well

I'm gonna go with


So many good posters this year, sorry if I left anybody out.

DanneSandin is a newcomer O.o

He's cool as hell, I wouldn't doubt if he wins, He is a nice guy who helped a big mean person as myself lmao, In all seriousness though if he is new put him down. Great guy!

It seems I signed up on December 31 2011 :(


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pezus said:
bananaking21 said:
can us new comers of 2012 vote? i assume we cant vote for our selfs so im gonna say DanneSandin, the guy is really nice. dont know who else singed up in 2012 though lol

Look at people's lists damn you!

if they aint got my name i aint reading there post dude!! na but to be serious i memorize users by there avatars :S

I can only think of one person that I recognize.


Whats this? high mid school?

TheKingofRedLions said:

It seems I signed up on December 31 2011 :(


I THOUGHT my timing was bad! You got it the worst lol!

DieAppleDie said:

Whats this? high mid school?

It's a ("friendly") competition. There is nothing wrong with that.