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Forums - Sales Discussion - The Official North American Retail Musing Thread

I was looking back through all of our old sales threads and I noticed we have about 100 different versions of this - so I'm just going to make this the official one.

Personally, I'm always curious to hear about what people's experiences buying games, and I'm sure many of you are as well.

I'll try to update what I see every week, and you all can as well.

For the week of the 20th to the 26th -

The other day I went to the mall stores (Gamestop, F.Y.E. and the nearby Walmart) to buy my room mate a new game for his birthday.  He loves multiplayer Xbox 360 games, but the Gamestop was out of the Xbox 360 versions of Rockband and Guitar Hero, and he already has Halo 3.  So I asked about around for Call of Duty 4, and the game was sold out as well at Gamestop.  Over at FYE, all of the big music games were sold out.  But, they had Call of Duty 4 - for $66...they overcharge for everything.  According to the people at both those stores the game tends to sell very well when new Xbox 360 shipments come in, but not that well otherwise.  I brieftly flirted with getting my room mate Mass Effect, but instead I just left the FYE as a new shipment of Wiis was being unloaded (and sold).

Heading over to Walmart, there was a line of people waiting (in the store) to buy Wiis and 360s, with a small stack of PS3s behind the glass shelves.  Didn't notice any DS or PSP hardware.  But I did see Call of Duty 4, so I grabbed it,  paid, and left.

So those are my retail musings - low stock at Gamestores, FYE and Walmart seem to have gotten recent shipments.

What have you guys observed lately?


People are difficult to govern because they have too much knowledge.

When there are more laws, there are more criminals.

- Lao Tzu

Around the Network

The lack of COD4 (both versions) in stores. It is selling extremely well in NA.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

I went to the Gamemania today they had
1 Xbox 360 premium
4 new PS3 40Gb bundles (uncharted & rachet and clank)
0 Wii
0 Nintendo Ds
11 PS2 (all the bundles counted together)

* They haven't recieved a copy of Ace Combat 6 since half december.
* One guy changed his Xbox 360 to a PS3.
* 2 workers are promoting the xbox 360 the other one is promoting the PS3.
* They still don't have a release date for Rock Band.


My local Best Buy still has an enormous pile of 60 40gb PS3s on the floor. 360s are tucked under shelves in the normal locations. No Wii's of course.

Just went to a Best Buy (Alabama):

0 wii
2 Xbox360 (both arcade)
Dozens of PS3 (40GB)
Uncountable PS2 (I counted 15 in one area, then went to the PS2 aisle and decided there were too many to matter)
0 ds
8 or so PSP

No Xbox360 CoD4 (Doh!)
8 NMH (I grabbed one)
Tons of Rock Bands (20+)
No other shortages that I could see

Around the Network

Mostly, I've just seen Wii are few times and, when they first came out, 360 elites were rare. Now they're incredibly common everywhere.. they seem to be selling fairly steadily, unlike ps3s which just seem to collect dust.


European representation here:

From what I can see here in Denmark, the PS3 is being pushed more than the 360. In general there seems to be a good enthusiasm about the PS3, and people are looking forward to the upcoming releases. Thats what I've gathered from asking people around. Thats just the general perception I've picked up.

I was in my local kvickly mall yesterday, it could be considered a huge shop though under one roof, they have all different sections, among them an electronics section. From what I could see they were promoting the PS & Nintendo brands. No 360 or xbox games in sight, none, I looked everywhere. I got curious if they actually sold "next-gen" hardware, didn't take me too long to find an empty glass cabinet which had a price tag label on the bottom "PLAYSTATION 3". I was kinda surprised. There were other items in there, but nothing related to the Wii or the 360. To me that was kinda wow.

Where the PS3 supposedly stood were 2 unsold PS3 games, both FIFA '08.

Also they were soldout on PS2s.

I've also been around other electronic stores, in the game section. I hear numbles of positive receptions of the PS3.

Blockbuster is pushing the PS3 hard with posters in-store and outside.

After discovering this thread, I'll start to be more observant when Im out of the house.

Nintendo & Sony supporter:

 Consoles: Wii & PS3.

I was at Best Buy today to pick up No More Heroes. It's a pretty large store, and they had 24 copies in stock. They also had Zack & Wiki for only $29.99. The price surprised me, and I was tempted to get it instead of NMH, but I didn't. I'll be back soon to pick it up, however.

They also had two 80gb ps3s on the floor, despite most stores being sold out. They also finally expanded the ps3 section. It now encompasses two sections of shelf space instead of just one (just games, not accessories), and it equals the PSP's shelf space.

Whats the word on the rain check program at Eb Games/Gamestop

People are difficult to govern because they have too much knowledge.

When there are more laws, there are more criminals.

- Lao Tzu

went to BB, CC, and GS today

BB was sold out of NMH, CC had 4, GS had 1
Also neither BB nor CC had a AW:DoR... GS had 3...

End of 2009 Predictions (Set, January 1st 2009)

Wii- 72 million   3rd Year Peak, better slate of releases

360- 37 million   Should trend down slightly after 3rd year peak

PS3- 29 million  Sales should pick up next year, 3rd year peak and price cut