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Forums - General Discussion - The Greatest Turn-around In Financial History!

Yeah I remember once you used me in the same line as Soriku and Leo-j, I LOL'd, nah I'm home now, but my car isn't :S

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could be worse

also i am starting a fund to get your car fixed...

see how much i have...mind you its only pixels but


I want to help to with the debt



It is in NOK but I don't have Dollars

Think twice before helping a friend in need.

Dang, everyone is contributing, I guess I should make it rain as well ...

thanks Duke...pretty soon we will have like fifty bagillion pixels

 EDIT:@Mad...ohhh close...very close, but we were looking for carrot...yeah sorry about that


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LOL -$24.9T?

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Thought I should help out too.

Lol guyz..

got some more..and a leaf


he is still no where near chrome =]

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