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Forums - Sales Discussion - December 2012 NPD Thread - 360: 1.4m, PS3: 600-650k, Wii U: 460k, 3DS: 1.25m

good for microsoft in the USA though,right,nintendo have nextgen out

so the bundled games for PS3 going to be hit hard,is that wonderbook less than 40k LTD in the US,crikey i'd have hoped for better than for xmas

nintendo still selling a massive amount of consoles though,can't be all bad

                                                                                                                                        Above & Beyond


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I wonder how the Wonderbook (no pun intended) did in Europe as they advertised it heavily over here. I suspect sales were much better here than USA. Sony are just struggling to connect with a big casual USA market right now.. they are doing ok, but they cannot seem to find the right thing that will propel the PS3.

Wh1pL4shL1ve_007 said:
Max King of the Wild said:
Soundwave said:
USA has become XBox Land.

Sony is in trouble if MS can make gains in Europe next gen.

MS is in trouble if Sony can make gains in the US next gen

They're both in trouble then.

No, Sony does huge gains in US, MS does huge gains in EU, everything stays equal, everybody is happy!

Train wreck said:

 Sony mentioned last year that a price cut for the vita was in the offing, so unless they changed their minds, I am assuming it still coming.  Software wise, we are still in a non annoucement season, we should see more game annoucements as sony has their destination day at the end of february, the gdc and e3.  The titles for the first quarter are pretty much set for japan and a couple titles slated for the west


Even if the price cut was planned, announcing it 4~6 months earlier and before the hollydays would just kill the sales even more and make the discounted bundles less atractives. Next year probably everything will get price cuts (except Nintendo consoles, since Wii U just launched, 3DS already had a massive cut and Wii has the new US$99 version. Might be wrong about U since a price cut would help to cut the legs of Orbis/Durango). 

For the next generation competition between PS4 and X720, due to X720 may sell even less than X360 in Japan and PS4 keep the sales figure as PS3 about 9~10million, so I would say, PS4 already had 8~8.5million lead since the beginning.

European gamers have strong brand loyalty, so PS4 will still sell more than X720.

USA gamers don't have such strong brand loyalty (based on they switch from PS to Xbox so easily), so it is difficult to predict. If MS makes mistakes, USA gamers may just abondon them and go back to PS.

So PS4 still has more chance to outsell X720 in the next gen.

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So proud of Halo 4 :)

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


GameAnalyser said:
JGarret said:
If MS plays their cards right, they can really take advantage of the momentum the 360 has been enjoying and carry it over to the next Xbox.

Yeah, I do agree, but they need to expand it across Europe and Japan to reach absolute dominance.

Why would one need absolute dominance? Japan will almost never like ms as it is not japanese. As a gamer we should support competition, not dominance. I don't want ps2-times back ever (not that ps2 was bad!).

The console industry is dying in Japan anyway, so I don't think MS cares much anymore. When they cut ties with both Mistwalker and Team Ninja, I think it was a sign that they basically are focusing all their attention on the Western market.

There's a good chance IMO that Wii U sells less than Wii and PS4 sells less than PS3.

I suspect they will go hard after Sony in Europe though, try to get a head start again, and outspend Sony on marketing with their (far) deeper pockets. 

Ok, so according to our Chart tools, here are the numbers I have (with rounding to nearest thousand each week):

VGC - USA - Week Ending Dec 8th thru Week Ending Dec 29th (this means Dec 1st, 30th, 31st not included)
Xbox 360 - 1.25 million
PS3 - 0.72 million

I highly doubt that those 3 days = 150,000 sales, so it is looking like the 360 is about 100-150k UNDERTRACKED in USA alone for that time period.

At the same time, PS3 is about 100-150k OVERTRACKED in USA alone for the same time period.

That's an additional swing of 200-300k consoles in the Xbox 360's favor in just the US. That would put the lead back up to over 2 million as of the end of 2012.

Someone please correct me if I've missed something or made an error.

nightsurge said:

Ok, so according to our Chart tools, here are the numbers I have (with rounding to nearest thousand each week):

VGC - USA - Week Ending Dec 8th thru Week Ending Dec 29th (this means Dec 1st, 30th, 31st not included)
Xbox 360 - 1.25 million
PS3 - 0.72 million

I highly doubt that those 3 days = 150,000 sales, so it is looking like the 360 is about 100-150k UNDERTRACKED in USA alone for that time period.

At the same time, PS3 is about 100-150k OVERTRACKED in USA alone for the same time period.

That's an additional swing of 200-300k consoles in the Xbox 360's favor in just the US. That would put the lead back up to over 2 million as of the end of 2012.

Someone please correct me if I've missed something or made an error.

You got the wrong numbers...

X360 = 38,487,188 - 37,234,179 = 1,253,009
PS3 = 23,603,601 - 23,022,519 = 581,082

Both are a little undertracked but I think that's what means in line with NPD to vgchartz.