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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox Live: No Longer the Gold Standard

I don't think there is anything 'wrong' with XBox Live but I do think that Microsoft has failed to preserve its premium status by adding new and meaningful features at a regular basis. What Nintendo is doing with Miiverse should have been something Microsoft added years ago in response to social networking, and it should have been developed into a very mature service by now.

It is one thing to offer a free service that falls behind pay services, but when you're offering a for-pay service you better have a significant reason why people are going to pay for something that they could otherwise get for free.

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he hit a good point, everytime my GOLD is ended and i have to pay another 60 bucks just to play online, the idea of releasing my PS3 back from the Dust grows more and lets see the results of that idea in....hold on let me see when my Gold subscription fee runs out....on April 2013 one month before "The Last of us" releases now thats what i call a perfect timing! ;D

AmericanAli said:
he hit a good point, everytime my GOLD is ended and i have to pay another 60 bucks just to play online, the idea of releasing my PS3 back from the Dust grows more and lets see the results of that idea in....hold on let me see when my Gold subscription fee runs out....on April 2013 one month before "The Last of us" releases now thats what i call a perfect timing! ;D

Also the time when the last map pack for Halo 4 releases?



I never cared about DLCs anyway i think of them as a "New idea of the gaming industry to let the people pay even more than the usuall 60$ for a full priced retail game to get the actual full game and content" aka ..another rip off so: No, Thanks! :P

Kynes said:
I don't get why the people who probably won't ever buy a XBox are the most vocal against live gold. MS has made tons of money on gold suscriptions during the last 10 years. I don't think they will change this the next generation, they will want to keep the income source. If you don't want to pay for live, do as I did, don't buy a MS console, there are alternatives.

because they, like myself, looked at all of the consoles and said to themselves; "gold is an exploitive business practice". 

I was furious when I got the orange box and then couldn't play team fortress without doubling down on cost.  so i took my money elsewhere.  it was a real easy decision too.  my ps3 cost less then what i would have spent on a gold subscription had i stuck with xbox. 

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So the people who don't pay for live are the ones mad? If you feel it is a waste of money fine don't buy it and allow Microsoft to cripple their own business

Without order nothing can exist - without chaos nothing can evolve.

"I don't debate, I just give you that work"- Ji99saw

Ji99saw said:

So the people who don't pay for live are the ones mad? If you feel it is a waste of money fine don't buy it and allow Microsoft to cripple their own business

lol thats always how its been. They get a perfect chance to look righteous and preach justice to random strangers while under an ananomyous banner. Soooooo hard to resist :P

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


Honestly.. I'll continue to support live as long as I think its worth it.

But I think that criticisms like this, specially from major gaming websites is healthy. I then also support the heavy criticism of Live as this puts pressure to MS to implement more features.... USEFUL FEATURES.

I hope that some day, we will get deals like Ps+ does.


Ji99saw said:

So the people who don't pay for live are the ones mad? If you feel it is a waste of money fine don't buy it and allow Microsoft to cripple their own business

I haven't paid for live gold in ages and I am not mad! I would pay, if our company would not be getting some free 12 month packages from MS Finland every christmas. :P

sales2099 said:
Ji99saw said:

So the people who don't pay for live are the ones mad? If you feel it is a waste of money fine don't buy it and allow Microsoft to cripple their own business

lol thats always how its been. They get a perfect chance to look righteous and preach justice to random strangers while under an ananomyous banner. Soooooo hard to resist :P

Why would the people who pay for gold be mad? For them the advantages outweight the disadvantages. Those who want a Xbox360 but no XBL gold complain. That's just natural.