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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox Live: No Longer the Gold Standard

VGKing said:
runqvist said:
As long as it makes money for MS, it should not go away. It is quite simple.

You could argue that Xbox Live GOLD is at a point where it actually drives consumers to the competition. Years ago when I had very little spending money it meantn those $60 meant the difference between playing online or buying a new game. So unless 14 years old are out there working jobs, I expect the free PSN to be a major selling point for PS4 just as it was for PS3.

I'm no insider..

But if LIVE wasn't worthwhile for MS they would have dropped it by now don't you think?

There are ohter factors that drive sales and those factors seem to account for more sales than they lose with a XBL fee.

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VGKing said:
sunK1D said:
VGKing said:
Dark_Feanor said:
I just have to say that I pay for my internet home subscription 12x more than I have to pay for Live and so for my 3G conection.

So, stop being crying babies.

There are no rule that multiplay have to be free. It´s such a unimportant issue that not Sony neither Nintendo (even Valve or EA Origens) market their produte.

It's not that people can't pay the fee, its the principle of the thing. Basic online multiplayer is free on Wii U/PS3/PC. I'd say that is as close as it gets to there being a "rule" about it being free. I keep seeing articles/threads about this every single week and people will start to reconsider next-gen as they realize that these other platforms offer nearly identical services for free.

If people didn't stop buying X360's after the RRoD fiasco or buying Nintendo consoles after the GC fiasco or PS3's after the hacking epidemic. Surely they still stop buying X720's because of $50/y for Live. Makes sense...

As people become more informed and as next-gen starts a clean slate, more people will choose PS4 over XBox 720 in the early years. Not saying free PSN will be the only reason, there will be other factors. 
Gamertags and Achievements aren't as important to the majority. Only a select few super hardcore gamers care about that stuff.

People are already saying this kind of thing at the start of this gen.  RROD and paying for gold were two of the major reasons why PS3 would destroy X360. 


JayWood2010 said:
dsgrue3 said:
JayWood2010 said:
dsgrue3 said:
JayWood2010 said:
Nothing of relevance.

You haven't addressed my point. You keep addressing XBLG as a service. I'm asking you to address charging people to *unlock* their multiplayer aspect of their game they already paid for.

I have no issues with the service itself and all of the features offered. Charging me to use the multiplayer portion of my game that I paid for that you had nothing to do with is my dispute.


This still fails to address my point. "Multiplayer features are superior" - features are separate from the online portion of the game. They may *enhance* the experience, and in that regard awesome charge people. But, the "online portion" of the game is the same, irrelevant to the platform. You enter a lobby and are placed in a game with others. 

Are you slow or something?

And as I said pages ago I will not argue.  and as I've did already I gave my reasons and you disagree , simple as that.  The reason I justify it is because online is better than others, but you ignore that.  By the way, thanks for trying to bait me, you've been reported.  Their is no reason to personally attack someone because you disagree with someone.

Don't see what's a personal attack. I asked you the same question 5 times and you still haven't answered it. But alright.

dsgrue3 said:
JayWood2010 said:
dsgrue3 said:
JayWood2010 said:
Nothing of relevance.

You haven't addressed my point. You keep addressing XBLG as a service. I'm asking you to address charging people to *unlock* their multiplayer aspect of their game they already paid for.

I have no issues with the service itself and all of the features offered. Charging me to use the multiplayer portion of my game that I paid for that you had nothing to do with is my dispute.


This still fails to address my point. "Multiplayer features are superior" - features are separate from the online portion of the game. They may *enhance* the experience, and in that regard awesome charge people. But, the "online portion" of the game is the same, irrelevant to the platform. You enter a lobby and are placed in a game with others. 

Are you slow or something?

Reported for being a douche......But then again that was also the reason why you created this thread right.


-this post was moderated by amp316 (warning)


dsgrue3 said:
JayWood2010 said:
dsgrue3 said:
JayWood2010 said:
dsgrue3 said:
JayWood2010 said:
Nothing of relevance.

You haven't addressed my point. You keep addressing XBLG as a service. I'm asking you to address charging people to *unlock* their multiplayer aspect of their game they already paid for.

I have no issues with the service itself and all of the features offered. Charging me to use the multiplayer portion of my game that I paid for that you had nothing to do with is my dispute.


This still fails to address my point. "Multiplayer features are superior" - features are separate from the online portion of the game. They may *enhance* the experience, and in that regard awesome charge people. But, the "online portion" of the game is the same, irrelevant to the platform. You enter a lobby and are placed in a game with others. 

Are you slow or something?

And as I said pages ago I will not argue.  and as I've did already I gave my reasons and you disagree , simple as that.  The reason I justify it is because online is better than others, but you ignore that.  By the way, thanks for trying to bait me, you've been reported.  Their is no reason to personally attack someone because you disagree with someone.

Don't see what's a personal attack. I asked you the same question 5 times and you still haven't answered it. But alright.

I underlined it for you and no you have been trying to bait me and I've stated numerous times my reasons. I was talking more than just the service, I was talking about online it's self and you know that.


Around the Network

I think live is fine, as a lot of people seem to be willing to pay for the service, but maybe it would be better if every retail game came with at least 1 month of free gold subscription (maybe they already do, I have no idea).

JayWood2010 said:

I underlined it for you and no you have been trying to bait me and I've stated numerous times my reasons. I was talking more than just the service, I was talking about online it's self and you know that.

Well after asking the same question 5 times, I think it was valid to question.

You didn't address online itself. You kept mentioning the features *in addition* to online. What's different about game connects user to host(be it dedicated or p2p) about XBL? It's the bare bones I want to discuss not the features.

Basic multiplayer is locked out - this is on the disc you purchased, they setup the multiplayer not MS, MS is nothing but a lobby.

dsgrue3 said:
JayWood2010 said:

I underlined it for you and no you have been trying to bait me and I've stated numerous times my reasons. I was talking more than just the service, I was talking about online it's self and you know that.

Well after asking the same question 5 times, I think it was valid to question.

You didn't address online itself. You kept mentioning the features *in addition* to online. What's different about game connects user to host(be it dedicated or p2p) about XBL? It's the bare bones I want to discuss not the features.

Basic multiplayer is locked out - this is on the disc you purchased, they setup the multiplayer not MS, MS is nothing but a lobby.

No, I said online is better.  This is connection, ease to use, features, and much more.  Multiplayer is better for all of these reasons and i said it in almost every comment.  

So you dont like multiplayer being locked?  Then dont get those games on XBL. Complaining on the internet about a service which im assuming you dont even use is useless.


JayWood2010 said:
dsgrue3 said:
JayWood2010 said:

I underlined it for you and no you have been trying to bait me and I've stated numerous times my reasons. I was talking more than just the service, I was talking about online it's self and you know that.

Well after asking the same question 5 times, I think it was valid to question.

You didn't address online itself. You kept mentioning the features *in addition* to online. What's different about game connects user to host(be it dedicated or p2p) about XBL? It's the bare bones I want to discuss not the features.

Basic multiplayer is locked out - this is on the disc you purchased, they setup the multiplayer not MS, MS is nothing but a lobby.

No, I said online is better.  This is connection, ease to use, features, and much more.  Multiplayer is better for all of these reasons and i said it in almost every comment.  

So you dont like multiplayer being locked?  Then dont get those games on XBL. Complaining on the internet about a service which im assuming you dont even use is useless.

I guess you'll never understand the question. I give up.

dsgrue3 said:
JayWood2010 said:
dsgrue3 said:
JayWood2010 said:

I underlined it for you and no you have been trying to bait me and I've stated numerous times my reasons. I was talking more than just the service, I was talking about online it's self and you know that.

Well after asking the same question 5 times, I think it was valid to question.

You didn't address online itself. You kept mentioning the features *in addition* to online. What's different about game connects user to host(be it dedicated or p2p) about XBL? It's the bare bones I want to discuss not the features.

Basic multiplayer is locked out - this is on the disc you purchased, they setup the multiplayer not MS, MS is nothing but a lobby.

No, I said online is better.  This is connection, ease to use, features, and much more.  Multiplayer is better for all of these reasons and i said it in almost every comment.  

So you dont like multiplayer being locked?  Then dont get those games on XBL. Complaining on the internet about a service which im assuming you dont even use is useless.

I guess you'll never understand the question. I give up.

And you don't understand the answer.