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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Post holiday WiiU sales are lagging, wii sales now hurting WiiU.

This is a bait thread, and i'm shutting it down.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

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Many "casual" games require way more skill than "hardcore" games. Take New Super Mario Bros U vs Arkham City or Assassins Creed 3. I love all three games. But in Mario I'm in direct control of all of Mario's movements. I time his jumps, I shoot the Goombas... everything. With modern 3D games like Batman or AC, it looks really cool. It looks really complicated. But as I run Connor along the trees, really all I'm doing is pressing up on the stick. He moves from branch to branch on his own. When I'm fighting a group of thugs in Arkham or a squadren of Brits in Boston, it's looks overwhelming. But really, all I'm doing is button mashing and maybe pressing the stick in one direction. The animations make it look (and make me feel) like I'm doing really complex stuff. But in reality my characters are mostly on autopilot. I just need to time parrys and attacks. It's almost a rhythm game really. Mario and other 2D games require far more direct input and skill than modern 3D games. They are the route of "core" games. Mocking casuals is not only silly, but uneducated.

As far as the WiiU and it's accessibility goes, those saying it lacks what wii had obviously don't have it and are forgetting that the WiiU can do everything the Wii does. Specifically, over Christmas I was playing some Blops and several non-gaming members of my family were watching and thought it was cool and wanted to try it. I gave them the controler and they liked it but found the dual analog set up a little awkward. So i activated a couple Wii-Remotes and bam - they were aiming and shooting with ease. Wii remotes, the simple interface that people are saying the WiiU lacks, are still fully supported on WiiU. Now in HD and with better games.