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Forums - NSFW Discussion - Are you straight, Bi, or gay? Now with *slightly* nsfw pics. :)



I'm straight 718 57.44%
I'm Bi 132 10.56%
I'm gay 325 26.00%
I'm not sure 68 5.44%

Straight, i have never even slightly been attracted to a man. However I dont believe that someone can just convert their sexuality, you are born that way.

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carlos3189 said:
I have been in a relationship for 2 years but lately I've been feeling so attracted to this guy at work, who's supposedly straight but I'm pretty sure he is also attracted to me... Does that happen too often or is just my imagination?

Often. More than you could imagine.

Oh, and bi here.

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"I like my steaks how i like my women.  Bloody and all over my face"

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wow.. it came to my surprise that alot of the community here are Gay!

i see myself as 82% attracted towards men and 18% towards females. but i'm closeted about that and pretty much sure i was born like this and no one knows about my true sexual identity except me, since i'm muslim and those gay feelings are forbidden. but no biggie really..

Iam bi iam in to chicks and shemales.


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Pavolink said:
carlos3189 said:
I have been in a relationship for 2 years but lately I've been feeling so attracted to this guy at work, who's supposedly straight but I'm pretty sure he is also attracted to me... Does that happen too often or is just my imagination?

Often. More than you could imagine.

Oh, and bi here.

Really? I mean, in my opinion I think most of the guys trend to have some attraction to other guys but I don't know it just feels so wrong... Haha!

Badassbab said:
Osc89 said:
tonymarraffa said:
Personally I think most people are bi, but I digress.

Definitely agree. I think we are born on a bell curve of sexuality, and are nurtured towards the ends one way or the other (most people to straight though).

As for me, totally bi.

Quite a good way of putting it but personally I think it's more like a fairly rigid political ideology. Say far left is gay and far right is hetro, most I would think hover closer to the extreme left or right ends then in the (or thereabouts) bi progressive/centrist middle. Just looking at the animal world for example where homosexuality is fairly common, it's still quite clearly dominated by hetrosexual pair bonding and humans are no different.

That is completely true, and a solid analogy. I would think that moving to the extremes in political ideology comes from the need to defend your beliefs, in much the same way people end up picking a side in response to homophobia. For example, if you feel a 70% same-sex 30% hetero attraction split, you may end up living a 100% same-sex lifestyle out of a need to "pick a side".

The Wikipedia article on homosexual behaviour in animals is very interesting, and also goes into observer bias caused by social attitudes to same-sex behaviour. I personally think that without homophobia, we would be a lot more like the Bonobo.

PSN: Osc89

NNID: Oscar89

Super straight. Btw, it's good to have a diverse community.

And I do think that gay guys are born that way.

Straight. I really, really like women!

I love how the gaming community here seems so cool with everything. It's good that things like video games being all different kinds of people together.