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Forums - Sales Discussion - NDS to be Highest Seller of All Time

TheLastStarFighter said:
It's got a story on the front page. NDS is the biggest for realz.

Yeep yeep!!

DS is the winner!

PS2 had a good run, but a Nintendo system has taken over (as it should be).

Sorry, pezus. :(

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jonnybmk said:
TheLastStarFighter said:
It's got a story on the front page. NDS is the biggest for realz.

Yeep yeep!!

DS is the winner!

PS2 had a good run, but a Nintendo system has taken over (as it should be).

Sorry, pezus. :(

Yes, and we had a similar article posted a few months back.  Wasn't true then and isn't true, now.  You guys are in for a rude awakening when Sony announces final shipment numbers for the PS2 when they discontinue its production.

thismeintiel said:
jonnybmk said:
TheLastStarFighter said:
It's got a story on the front page. NDS is the biggest for realz.

Yeep yeep!!

DS is the winner!

PS2 had a good run, but a Nintendo system has taken over (as it should be).

Sorry, pezus. :(

Yes, and we had a similar article posted a few months back.


jonnybmk said:
thismeintiel said:
jonnybmk said:
TheLastStarFighter said:
It's got a story on the front page. NDS is the biggest for realz.

Yeep yeep!!

DS is the winner!

PS2 had a good run, but a Nintendo system has taken over (as it should be).

Sorry, pezus. :(

Yes, and we had a similar article posted a few months back.


Couldn't find the link to the first one.  My guess is they removed it because they were dead wrong.  I did find another thread just like this one from '11, again using undertracked PS2 numbers.

If memory serves me right, the original article was based on this info, too.

thismeintiel said:
jonnybmk said:
thismeintiel said:
jonnybmk said:
TheLastStarFighter said:
It's got a story on the front page. NDS is the biggest for realz.

Yeep yeep!!

DS is the winner!

PS2 had a good run, but a Nintendo system has taken over (as it should be).

Sorry, pezus. :(

Yes, and we had a similar article posted a few months back.


Couldn't find the link to the first one.  My guess is they removed it because they were dead wrong.  I did find another thread just like this one from '11, again using undertracked PS2 numbers.

If memory serves me right, the original article was based on this info, too.

Not interested in threads.

I want the article; without proof I cannot believe you....sorry.

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Finally a new King

Oh and here's one from '10.

Seems like you Nintendo guys have been doing this every year, only to be proven wrong in the end.  This time will be no different.

O wow this thread is still going? It is a FACT that Vgchartz has stopped updating the PS2 numbers a long time ago so their PS2 numbers are VERY out of date. It is also a FACT that the PS2 is still being sold because Sony still ship PS2's and it is shown on their fiscal financial reports, with the only difference in the past two quarters that Sony now show it as PS3+PS2 sales combined.

If the PS2 has stopped selling like some ridiculous people want to claim then why do Sony continue to ship more PS2's? How does that make any logical sense? Are people going to tell me that not a single PS2 is ever sold anymore but retailers continue to order millions more of them just for the fun of it, lol?

Since Vgchartz stopped updating their PS2 numbers we've had sony ship:

1.2 million between July-September 2011

900,000 between October-December 2011

600,000 between January-March 2012

As of March 2012 it is official that the PS2 has shipped 155.1 million.

Beyond that for the past two quarters Sony have combined PS2 and PS3 shipments, and Sony's Fiscal projection for the next financial year is to ship a combined total of 16 million PS2'S+PS3'S. Sony cannot lie about these shipments to their shareholders so they are an irrefutable fact, so if Sony were shipping zero PS2's they would not be allowed to state that their numbers are PS2+PS3 combined.

Beyond that, last fiscal year Sony shipped 13.9 million PS3's, yet like i've said previously Sony expect to ship a combined total of 16 million PS2's+PS3's and if some deluded people want to claim that Sony no longer ship PS2's then that has to mean that Sony will be shipping 16 million PS3's.... during the end of the generation when all console sales are significantly down.... which is 2.1 million more than they shipped the previous year.... which doesn't make any logical sense. The only thing that makes logical sense is if several million of those 16 million consoles sold are PS2 consoles.

Stating it is a fact that the DS has outsold the PS2 based on Vgchartz's numbers which are out of date as well as an article on the front page of this website which in itself is also completely based on these out of date numbers is completely and utterly asinine and deluded.

The PS2 has sold more than the DS, no amount of lying or moaning from other posters will change this fact.

I guess this means I can just stop counting my older brother's birthdays, and in no time I'll be older than him. Nice!

Thanks for introducing me to this new form of counting numbers, VGChartz! Anything is possible!

spurgeonryan said:

Interesting. Even vgchartz one writer and numbers guy says that the DS is ahead. How long can everyone keep this charade up. Just accept it.

A writer for VGChartz acknowledges VGChartz numbers? Sounds like a guy just doing his job properly.

I've come to to accept it. I accept that people follow improper data but that's ok because the PS2 will remain the actual sales leader.

Thanks for coming out.