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Forums - Sales Discussion - NDS to be Highest Seller of All Time

Congratulations to Nintendo and the DS, the best selling video games machine of all time

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The sad part about this is that this isn't even true.
Yes the PS2 still sells significantly I actually bought two off the official Sony site. Pretty funny how much people get excited off of a handheld that's had almost 6 iterations...
6 compared to the PS2's 2... It would be an embaresement if the DS didn't sell more than the PS2.

KingHades said:
The sad part about this is that this isn't even true.
Yes the PS2 still sells significantly I actually bought two off the official Sony site. Pretty funny how much people get excited off of a handheld that's had almost 6 iterations...
6 compared to the PS2's 2... It would be an embaresement if the DS didn't sell more than the PS2.

Actually, the NDS has 4 iterations. The original, DS Lite, DSi, and DSi XL. The 3DS and 3DS XL don't count, they're a different console.

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KingHades said:
The sad part about this is that this isn't even true.
Yes the PS2 still sells significantly I actually bought two off the official Sony site. Pretty funny how much people get excited off of a handheld that's had almost 6 iterations...
6 compared to the PS2's 2... It would be an embaresement if the DS didn't sell more than the PS2.

How do you know the PS2 sells significantly? Because you bought 2?

Also, in what way is it an embarassment if a console doesn't sell 157-158 million?

if you want to get into the details of the sales, PS2 was notorious for breaking down so you could also argue that many of those purchases were people rebuying it. It all evens out..

S.Peelman said:
zuvuyeay said:

yep,i don't think the PS2 will carry on but the DS can,i've been impressed by the pick up like i said to thisismential,we had a seece prediciotn thread at the beginning of the year and i thought the PSP would pip the DS but i was wrong,i wasn't arguing with you but agreeing,no offence taken


Okay, then I apologise.

I'm not the one people should be arguing with about this anyway, as I don't really care. Sure, primarily I'm a Nintendo guy so I'm rooting for my guy, but that's probably just because I started out on those. Had a lot of fun and good memories with my PS1 and 3 too (yeah, I'm like the only in the world who has never played PS2, had DC and GC instead that generation)!

my fault,my syntax and punctuation go out the window at this time of night,not that they are very good to start with,i went from the mega drive to the PS1 as my friend had a saturn,good times

                                                                                                                                        Above & Beyond


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ASStronaut said:
NYANKS said:
ASStronaut said:
I've got no proof but the N64 still sells millions in Madeupistan, It's surely over 170 million units sold.

It's not made up.  How do you explain PS2 continuing to sell when its numbers in the 3 main territories aren't that significant?  VGChartz doesn't update PS2 numbers, I bet PS2 remains ahead at the end, as it probably is right now, as it was last year.

PS2 is not ahead on this site. Leave this site if you don't like it.

I guess we just need to wait to wait for official numbers (whenever they come, I guess March?). This speculating isn't getting us anywhere!

S.Peelman said:
I guess we just need to wait to wait for official numbers (whenever they come, I guess March?). This speculating isn't getting us anywhere!

The newest numbers will come in Jan, prabably early Feb for Sony, though Sony will probably have the PS2 and PS3 numbers combined.  However, this isn't speculation.  It's just a cold hard fact that the PS2 is still millions ahead of the DS.  Uness, of course, you're a blind Nintendo fan and are hoping the PS2 didn't sell any units in the course of over a year, which includes 2 holiday seasons.  Then the DS will maybe tie with it at the end of the year.  Of course, sane people know that Sony has shipped well over a couple million PS2s in that time.  It will probably be closing in on, or maybe reach, 160M by the end of the year.

congrats DS


WII U // PC // 3ds XL // VITA

It's got a story on the front page. NDS is the biggest for realz.