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Forums - Politics Discussion - What Occupy movement understood and most don't.

badgenome said:
EdHieron said:

Hitler said "I am and have always been a Catholic."  The German Catholic Bishops really didn't make any efforts to try to stop him.  His soldiers' belt buckles said "God with Us."  And in many ways what he did in Germany including the burning of Jews was just a continuation of the policies of some of those nations that had Protestantism or Catholicism as their official religions  in the Middle Ages.

He also lamented the weakness of Christianity and wished Germany had been Shintoist or Islamic because it would have better served his (entirely secular) purposes.

And that still isn't the definition of a theocracy.

A Theocracy is a government controlled by a religious body.  If the Religious Right ( and the Conservatives that depend on their votes to get elected ) had won both Houses of Congress and the Presidency in the Past election, you would have seen a move towards Theocracy in America.

As the distinguished Yale University Professor Harold Bloom said, "A Romney Presidency would mean a strengthening of Theocracy in America."

And Hitler's motives were far from secular as pointed out they were largely a continuation of Protestant and Catholic policies of the Middle Ages (  Just look at the list of people the Nazis were primarily responsible for killing that I posted earlier.  They tend to be the same people the Right in this country lists as their political opponents:  atheists, feminists, gays, socialists, etc.

Around the Network

EdHieron said:

As the distinguished Yale University Professor Harold Bloom said, "A Romney Presidency would mean a strengthening of Theocracy in America."

Then Harold Bloom is a fucking dope.

badgenome said:

EdHieron said:

As the distinguished Yale University Professor Harold Bloom said, "A Romney Presidency would mean a strengthening of Theocracy in America."

Then Harold Bloom is a fucking dope.

Are you a Professor at Yale?

Didn't think so.

EdHieron said:

Are you a Professor at Yale?

Didn't think so.

Fat lot of good it did him. He's still a stupid cunt.

And spare me your appeals to authority, please.

badgenome said:
EdHieron said:

Are you a Professor at Yale?

Didn't think so.

Fat lot of good it did him. He's still a stupid cunt.

And spare me your appeals to authority, please.

Why because they squash the totally invalid points you're trying to make?

Around the Network
EdHieron said:
badgenome said:
EdHieron said:

Are you a Professor at Yale?

Didn't think so.

Fat lot of good it did him. He's still a stupid cunt.

And spare me your appeals to authority, please.

Why because they squash the totally invalid points you're trying to make?

Probably because its a logical fallacy

ǝןdɯıs ʇı dǝǝʞ oʇ ǝʞıן ı ʍouʞ noʎ 

Ask me about being an elitist jerk

Time for hype

EdHieron said:

Why because they squash the totally invalid points you're trying to make?

No, because it's a pathetic fallacy.

badgenome said:
EdHieron said:

Why because they squash the totally invalid points you're trying to make?

No, because it's a pathetic fallacy.

I'd really like to see you prove that all as you're doing is throwing out worthless and brainwashed Rightist taling points in the face of real evidence, but guess what, it's not important.  Your side lost.  And from now on it's always going to be that way.  So, do you know what DX  (HHH and Sean Michaels) used to say to do?  That's what you need to do.

leatherhat said:
EdHieron said:
badgenome said:
EdHieron said:

Are you a Professor at Yale?

Didn't think so.

Fat lot of good it did him. He's still a stupid cunt.

And spare me your appeals to authority, please.

Why because they squash the totally invalid points you're trying to make?

Probably because its a logical fallacy

Definitely not.  See my response to badgenome for information on how to proceed.

EdHieron said:

I'd really like to see you prove that all as you're doing is throwing out worthless and brainwashed Rightist taling points in the face of real evidence, but guess what, it's not important.  Your side lost.  And from now on it's always going to be that way.  So, do you know what DX  (HHH and Sean Michaels) used to say to do?  That's what you need to do.

LMFAO. What are you, 12?

Because your lord and savior Obama beat that stiff Romney, you automatically win all arguments from here on out even though you have no idea what the hell you're talking about?