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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wii U hacked and CPU clock speed revealed, apparently.

Kynes said:
dahuman said:
Kynes said:

It's not exactly as snowdog says. It's true that Broadway is an OOE chip, but that alone can't make the difference of one core at 729 MHZ to three cores with two threads each, at 3.2 GHz. You can make a case with Expresso and the X360 CPU, but I still believe X360 is faster at the CPU level due to having much more bruteforce. The sound DSP helps, but sound proccesing doesn't consume all that much cpu cycles on a modern proccesor. That's why dedicated sound chips died on the mainstream pc level more than 10 years ago.

dedicated sound chips still exist... they are just usually on the motherboard now, and most of them sound like shit, it's right now either you go completely digital with toslink on the most common realtek chipset, or get one of the better HT Omega cards for some real good sound.

Most of them are software based, not hardware based. They use the CPU as the number cruncher.

hold on, by dedicated, do you mean like offloading all sound to the hardware? you'd be correct in that if that's what you mean, the chipset still processes some of the stuff though. The real problem is the shitty drivers they write sometimes.

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the2real4mafol said:

If it was a portable system that would be a good enough reason, but it's constantly plugged into the mains, so why would it have to be super energy efficient?

to put it into the smallest case/formfactor possible without risking a rrod/ylod ...

The clock of the CPU in my phone is more than that. 1.2 GHz looks pretty low, don't think that this rumor is true. 2 GHz at least would be more credible.

Lusche said:
the2real4mafol said:

If it was a portable system that would be a good enough reason, but it's constantly plugged into the mains, so why would it have to be super energy efficient?

to put it into the smallest case/formfactor possible without risking a rrod/ylod ...

Well I suppose that's fair enough

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the2real4mafol said:
dahuman said:
the2real4mafol said:
Thats pretty slow ain't it? We have phones and tablets that are faster than that now!

ARM is not exactly faster than Power PC in certain regardes, the goal of ARM is more on power efficiency.

If it was a portable system that would be a good enough reason, but it's constantly plugged into the mains, so why would it have to be super energy efficient?

It's not as efficient as ARM on power, and it's actually faster for gaming.(better memory handling being one part of it)

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torok said:

The clock of the CPU in my phone is more than that. 1.2 GHz looks pretty low, don't think that this rumor is true. 2 GHz at least would be more credible.

No, since the drams are specified at 800MHz, I'd have guessed a processor clock of 1600MHz to keep things simple. If they use a weird 1.2xxGHZ clock, then probably the dram is only clocked at half that, not 800MHz (would be easy to measure, actually).

drkohler said:
torok said:

The clock of the CPU in my phone is more than that. 1.2 GHz looks pretty low, don't think that this rumor is true. 2 GHz at least would be more credible.

No, since the drams are specified at 800MHz, I'd have guessed a processor clock of 1600MHz to keep things simple. If they use a weird 1.2xxGHZ clock, then probably the dram is only clocked at half that, not 800MHz (would be easy to measure, actually).

that's what I figured too, but my guess is that's a base setting, it could be just in some kind of power saving mode by default at maybe 32 Watts or so, they might be able to clock it higher on more intensive games to 1.6GHz and possibly clock the GPU higher too, would be interesting if they can get homebrew running on the actual Wii U part and see what kind of OC they can do on it before meltdown to get a good idea of it.

Region free WiiU isn't that far-fetched now!
And dreams of proper BC with Gamepad ~

JGarret said:

That´s what the hacker known as 'Hector Martin' claims, anyway

I would say known as marcan, but use his real name if you like.

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TomaTito said:

Region free WiiU isn't that far-fetched now!
And dreams of proper BC with Gamepad ~

JGarret said:

That´s what the hacker known as 'Hector Martin' claims, anyway

I would say known as marcan, but use his real name if you like.
