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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wii U hacked and CPU clock speed revealed, apparently.

Kynes said:
TomaTito said:
Kynes said:

It seems we Spaniards are good only for this (Waninkoko and Marcan are from here)

What do you mean? Only good with Nintendo hardware or hacking?

Hacking and piracy. I'm not sure, but I think we also have something to do with the PS3 scene.

Marcan also has something to do with the PS3.

About why we are good at this things... well, the only thing that I can say is "la picaresca". Not every culture has it.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

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dahuman said:
the2real4mafol said:
dahuman said:
the2real4mafol said:
Thats pretty slow ain't it? We have phones and tablets that are faster than that now!

ARM is not exactly faster than Power PC in certain regardes, the goal of ARM is more on power efficiency.

If it was a portable system that would be a good enough reason, but it's constantly plugged into the mains, so why would it have to be super energy efficient?

It's not as efficient as ARM on power, and it's actually faster for gaming.(better memory handling being one part of it)

Maybe it ain't so bad as i though, but it depends on if many developers can run their games on it without any real problems 

Xbox Series, PS5 and Switch (+ Many Retro Consoles)

'When the people are being beaten with a stick, they are not much happier if it is called the people's stick'- Mikhail Bakunin

Prediction: Switch 2 will outsell the PS5 by 2030

ahh xD come on guys ! why don't you just enjoy the games?! look forward to Zelda HD for gods sake -.-

So much talk about tech... transistors here, polygons there...just cut it already!

What counts for me is that the wii u has newer tech inside and a second screen. the possibilities are endless but you are only regarding the techs...

I miss the childhood when there was only one question: How good are the games?
AND NOT: Will it be capable of running games in Full HD...

it's becoming ridiculous -.-

This is all a moot point since we know that the PS4/Nextbox will both have at least 5.2 Bazingahertz, 12 core CPU's, quad-SLI GPU with 1TB RAM, support 36.1 full surround, 8k TV's and holographic, glasses free 4D technology and operate off mind control (motion controls are so last gen) XD.

timmah said:
This is all a moot point since we know that the PS4/Nextbox will both have at least 5.2 Bazingahertz, 12 core CPU's, quad-SLI GPU with 1TB RAM, support 36.1 full surround, 8k TV's and holographic, glasses free 4D technology and operate off mind control (motion controls are so last gen) XD.

That's roughly the specs of the machine I have at work, minus the mind control stuff...

Except you forgot the 2 SSD  ( 238Gb and 476Gb) and the 16 Gb RAM...

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

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timmah said:
This is all a moot point since we know that the PS4/Nextbox will both have at least 5.2 Bazingahertz, 12 core CPU's, quad-SLI GPU with 1TB RAM, support 36.1 full surround, 8k TV's and holographic, glasses free 4D technology and operate off mind control (motion controls are so last gen) XD.



Ooooh, that's not good. I guess that explains the poor framerate on multiplatform launch games.

hivycox said:!

What counts for me is that the wii u has newer tech inside and a second screen. the possibilities are endless but you are only regarding the techs...

I miss the childhood when there was only one question: How good are the games?
AND NOT: Will it be capable of running games in Full HD...

it's becoming ridiculous -.-

I agree with the sentiment that the games matter most but:

The point is that the CPU is not newer or better tech, and so what we can see on Wii U will be limited by that. We may find out that there are certain things in games that the PS3/360 could do that the Wii U cannot do as well (like say number of players in a multiplayer server). Then Nintendo's choices will be impacting game quality and not just whether it's in HD.

brendude13 said:

Ooooh, that's not good. I guess that explains the poor framerate on multiplatform launch games.

I've played a few of the multiplatform launch titles and the framerate issues are way overblown. If it was able to handle CPU intensive games designed for a system with 3, 3.2GHz cores and maintian fidelity with little optimization, that actually speaks volumes to the efficiency of the processor (considering the clock rate is so much lower). I imagine games actually designed for and optimized for the WiiU architecture will be able to be significantly better looking than current gen due to the more advanced GPU. The estimates I've seen indicate the WiiU should have about double or better the raw power of current gen when you factor in the GPU.

So it's about 9 GameCube processors put together. Can't see how they would significantly update the 12-year old architecture while keeping backwards compatibility and on, so... ugh.

Anyways I was doing some research to compare it to the iPad ARMs so we have an idea and I could calculate some aspects of their relative performance. So the Wii-U processor ranges around 8630 MIPS. The iPad 3 processor around 5000 MIPS. Thank God for the multipurpose aspect of modern GPUs...