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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wii U hacked and CPU clock speed revealed, apparently.

NiKKoM said:

please put this in the op... so we can go back making DBZ jokes..

lol "it's not much worse" confirmed.

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ethomaz said:
In sumary...

- CPU @ 1.25Ghz (not idle clock); Tri-core PowerPC 750; 1 thread per core; OO design; shorter pipeline; better IPC; weak SIMD;
- GPU @ 550Mhz

For a PowerPC 750 the clock is fine (that's almost the max clock the 750 can run) and it's almost 2x the CPU clock of the Wii (@730Mhz).

It's a CPU way slower than 360 CPU and PS3 CPU.

Do you know what SIMD actually does? o_O;

ethomaz said:
NiKKoM said:

please put this in the op... so we can go back making DBZ jokes..

lol "it's not much worse" confirmed.

It's quiet a bit worse on raw power if those are true specs of the CPU, 3 Broadway CPUs paired up at 1.25GHz is not going to beat a Xenon with 6 threads on the CPU front alone by a long shot(let along the Cell). This would put the RAW Power of the Wii U overall at about 2x PS3 level, unless he discovers something new about it.

dahuman said:

Do you know what SIMD actually does? o_O;

Yeap... I guess Nintendo expect to use GPU for that.

SIMD are intructions made to work with multiple data... so it's more like graphics intructions then OS instructions.

ethomaz said:

dahuman said:

Do you know what SIMD actually does? o_O;

Yeap... I guess Nintendo expect to use GPU for that.

SIMD are intructions made to work with multiple data... so it's more like graphics intructions then OS instructions.

..............As long as you know it means nothing to a gaming machine's CPU and it should have no business on a console CPU then it's all good. The last thing we need is another Cell type situation in a console.

Around the Network
ethomaz said:

dahuman said:

Do you know what SIMD actually does? o_O;

Yeap... I guess Nintendo expect to use GPU for that.

SIMD are intructions made to work with multiple data... so it's more like graphics intructions then OS instructions.

Since MMX the X86 proccesors have used SIMD instructions, so no. Any modern CPU has vector units.

TomaTito said:
Kynes said:

It seems we Spaniards are good only for this (Waninkoko and Marcan are from here)

What do you mean? Only good with Nintendo hardware or hacking?

Hacking and piracy. I'm not sure, but I think we also have something to do with the PS3 scene.

Oh boy, the WiiU hasn't even launched here and it's security is already getting damages. Bad sign...
I remember marcan from the early days of hacking the Wii. He was a very talented guy, I see absolutely no reason doubting what he says.

Anyway provided the PS4 and the Xbox720 don't go the way of the WiiU by adding a tablet as a remote , they will be able to invest the cost of that tablet into the main console, making it more powerfull than what the WiiU does by comparison.
It's just straight maths, if you don't provide a tablet/controller that cost 80-100$ you can spend that amount on your CPU/GPU...

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

Soleron said:
dahuman said:
Soleron said:

So much for "makes up with it with clock speed". Definitively slower in both clock speed and (if PPC750) instructions per clock compared to the 360.

It's now time to use the Wii U ports as a positive example: despite how slow the CPU is, they can make a game look about as good as the 360 because of the GPU. But it's also therefore time to stop saying that Wii U will eventually be far ahead of 360.

I thought we already established that in another thread by just looking at the die size though lol. I still don't think 8th gen consoles will be that far ahead TBH, most high profile games in 7th gen can't even reach 720P 60FPS(actually, prolly no high profile game does this) and we might get there finally in 8th gen and I'm hoping 1080P stable 30FPS, not sure about 60FPS in 1080P though, lets see what they'll throw into the Durango and Orbis even though I still find it unlikely for them to run something like Planetside 2 or Battlefield 3 in their full glory on rumored hardware @1080P 60FPS so far.

We did but there are some very angry people who've denied that transistor count proves anything and/or that it'd be clocked high.

I think with 2x the cost (~$150 Wii U console vs $300 others) and 2-3x the power usage, other 8th gen consoles can be much faster if they so choose. It's a tradeoff Nintendo chose to make and MS/Sony may make differently.

i am no specs expert .. in fact i'm quite a n00b.  but i do understand bugeting and you've got it right soleron.

wiiU's gamepad is a double whammy against it.

1) the gamepad is more expensive than a traditional controller.  the budgeted amount of money for things like RAM, cpu, ect will be less in the wiiU than the xbox 720 even if it launches at the same price because the gamepad ate part of that  budget. 

2) the gamepad (like kinect) takes up a portion of the hardwares power.  kinect, as i understand it, takes up about 15% of the 360 processing.  i'd wager the gamepad is in the same ball park.


..if a non-kinect xbox 720 game can't run circles around the wiiU.  ..well that means MS is absolutely horrible at bugeting and design, something i think not likely.