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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Predicting the Next-Gen: The Future of PS4 and X3ox


Am I right in my analysis?

Hellz to the yeah! 39 32.23%
Oh, Heeeellz no! 43 35.54%
I think you're forgettin... 24 19.83%
I'm too stupid to unders... 12 9.92%
DanneSandin said:
weaveworld said:
Since Sony is in seriously bad weather they may even delay bringing a next console to the market.
The Microsoft plan sounds really half-ass to me. Maybe i don't see the point yet, im a slow learner they say ;P.

Anyways, as i think next-gen isn't really nescesarry at the moment (yeah that's just personal) sony might be able to profit from the early release of the next xbox and continue to dominate 'this gen'. I don't know if developers will buy that. It would make room for more smaller companies to step in on the market and maybe we get to see some gems like in the days of old.

I personally think that delaying ps4 to 2014 would be a mistake and they'd end up in last place next gen... Which in turn could mean that it's the last playstation. At the very latest PS4 will launch in spring 2014. And that's pushing it.

I guess the Xbox Lite (I like that name more) would be for those who's interested in Apple TV or whatever it's called. It's also a great competitor against the Wii U for those who likes the features of Wii U but don't wanna play the games... There's a lot of people out there not playing games, and wouldn't pay for a gaming console. But an entertainment box with the added bonus of some light hearted games on the other hand...

I really disagree with the overall opinion that Sony has to be Nº 1, next gen.

Being on the top in sales is great.  But being profitable is far more important for Sony nowadays.

If they had to choose between being Nº 1 in sales but lose money in the process or Sell less but get a good profit.

I think they would go with the second option.

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Reason why 720 will not work if two were made.

Your spitting your audience and that's not a good idea just ask sega.

And let's be honest Xbox isn't big enough to do this. Plus if ps4 is cheaper than Xbox than this if hurt it even more.

"Excuse me sir, I see you have a weapon. Why don't you put it down and let's settle this like gentlemen"  ~ max

In sales terms- PS4- 720- Wii U but it will be very close this time round. In terms of power, i don't care, i think PS3 is still powerful enough and i don't expect a great leap in a system's power like previous generations saw

Xbox One, PS4 and Switch (+ Many Retro Consoles)

'When the people are being beaten with a stick, they are not much happier if it is called the people's stick'- Mikhail Bakunin

Prediction: Switch will sell better than Wii U Lifetime Sales by Jan 1st 2018

Veknoid_Outcast said:

However, I agree with you Danne about this: if either Microsoft or Sony try to make a super-powered console and the other chooses to be closer to the Wii U in terms of power, I think the super-powered console will suffer.

This, this and this.  If either of them make a juggernaut of a console and the other one doesn't, then that console is going to suffer greatly.

And if Sony "can't" afford to make a juggernaut, then that leaves it up to one company.  Who may or may not, I'm not really too fussed what they do :P

@ the people saying "Why would Sony release a console like Wii-U when they already have PS3?"

Maybe the won't.  But I don't think it's going to hurt them to release an easier architecture system.  I think they've learnt that lesson from the PS3, as demonstrated by Vita, and PS4 will be relatively easy to develop for.  And have a more traditional division of RAM, so on and so forth.  They need to get rid of the poor quality PS3 versions of things and the only way to do that is release a new, redesigned system.  Even if it is only a nominal step up, the effect could end up being quite drastic.

DanneSandin said:
HappySqurriel said:
Honestly, while I think it is a bad strategy in general, I think that if either manufacturer produces a (relatively) low performance system it only weakens both Sony and Microsoft; and it strengthens Nintendo.

Because they could release the same game across the PS3, XBox 360 and PC with (relatively) minor changes, third party publishers could ignore the Wii and target the bulk of their big titles to these platforms. If the PS4 and Wii U make a good choice for cross platform development and you need significantly higher budgets to produce a "true" XBox 720 game, the Wii U will get more third party support and the XBox 720 will get mostly enhanced ports ... For Sony, this means that they are in direct competition with a system that has Nintendo's first party developers and many of the same big third party titles as they have (who has a year head start which will likely translate into games selling better on that platform); and Microsoft has many of the same problems with the added issue that their system costs users more and (for the most part) demonstrates little in the way of added value.

I don't see how it is possible, but unless Sony and Microsoft both produce high end systems and can convince third party publishers to "shut-out" Nintendo I would expect their sales to fall.

Yes, I agree with that if the 3 consoles are similar in power Wii U will win next gen, simply because they have their 1st party games. But I don't know what else there is to do for Sony. MS could always up the specs, and try to gain market share by being the most powerful console. But what of Sony? What can they do? They can't compete with Nintendo's 1st party, nor can they compete in terms of power with MS, since MS have so much more money and can outspend Sony... No matter how things play out, I'm quite certain PS4 will end up last next gen.

Sony has the best first party and has a much more diverse lineup than MS.  They have a plethora of genres represented in their first party stable and that's what sold their system this gen.  It's going to put them in second place and at least around 90 million even though they've been the most expensive, a year late, had inferior online at first, had no software until late 07, and had complex architecture.  If they correct those mistakes they can easily sell 100 million.

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PS4 will be a beast of a console.

From what i have already read from someone at Epic, costs are going up once again. And that`s not good for the moew powerful consoles.
From what i have read from someone at EA, PS4 and Xbox 3 are awesome. Which may point out to powerful consoles and it doesn`t seem that PS4 will be anything like the Wii U but also no less than Xbox 3.

Sony is really in a bad position right now and seeing as the games division is one of the few profitable divisions at Sony if they end up with a console that makes them lose money during one or two years at least, that will be really bad for them.
I honestly can`t see a good outcome in that scenario. PS4 needs to not only make up for the losses in R&D, it needs to help Sony financially. Specially if Vita continues to sell as it has been selling.
The silver lining in Sony`s future is that, despite it`s really bad start it might just end up outselling Xbox 360 when the rest of the new generation arrives. Which means that in the final years of the PS3, the brand meant more to consumers than Xbox 360 and that is really important when starting a new generation.

I don`t really understand to whom MS would sell the Xbox "Lite". If all it is, is casual games and services like Facebook or something like Nintendo TVii/Apple TV, who is really going to buy it when there are alternatives like smartphones and tablets? Who`s going to develop for it when the market may not be there? Even with Kinect i don`t see it being a hit. Kinect has already sold what it had to sell: hand free gaming.
It`s not going to be a better Kinect that`s going to change that.

What i hope for MS is that it can expand it`s influence besides the UK and USA. Being dominant in two markets - albeit the most important ones - is dangerous and both Wii U and PS4 can take them away from MS.
I think it would be best for MS to just go with one console and go after the more casual developers in a way that makes sense for Xbox 720.

If Sony wanted their main console to stand close to the Wii U in power they wouldn't need to release another one.






If sony makes a low end console close to wii u specs and Microsoft goes with powerful x86 processor, it could spell disaster for Sony&Nintendo. Nextbox and pc for better multiplats, sounds good.

DanneSandin said:
kain_kusanagi said:
Yeah I can agree with you. But I don't think MS is afraid to go heavy with specs. Two versions tells me that one will be a low end casual set top box while the other will be a massive powerhouse of a console. My guess is that the Xbox Lite or what you cal XES will be about the same specs as the Xbox 360 and MS isn't going to release their another system that's only slightly more powerful than the 360 or Wii. I think MS and Sony know that to convince people to dump their current systems for greener pastures they are going to have to grow the greenest grass they can.

Damn, I like xbox lite better than XES =( Like I stated in the OP; if microsoft goes with a powerful console we'll see either of two scenarios; microsoft will dominate completely, OR it's power will not be utilized full out by 3rd parties since they're gonna want to sell the same game on Wiistation as well.

Even if that happens it will mean that the Xbox 360 ports look and run better since MS never makes difficult to program for machines.