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From what i have already read from someone at Epic, costs are going up once again. And that`s not good for the moew powerful consoles.
From what i have read from someone at EA, PS4 and Xbox 3 are awesome. Which may point out to powerful consoles and it doesn`t seem that PS4 will be anything like the Wii U but also no less than Xbox 3.

Sony is really in a bad position right now and seeing as the games division is one of the few profitable divisions at Sony if they end up with a console that makes them lose money during one or two years at least, that will be really bad for them.
I honestly can`t see a good outcome in that scenario. PS4 needs to not only make up for the losses in R&D, it needs to help Sony financially. Specially if Vita continues to sell as it has been selling.
The silver lining in Sony`s future is that, despite it`s really bad start it might just end up outselling Xbox 360 when the rest of the new generation arrives. Which means that in the final years of the PS3, the brand meant more to consumers than Xbox 360 and that is really important when starting a new generation.

I don`t really understand to whom MS would sell the Xbox "Lite". If all it is, is casual games and services like Facebook or something like Nintendo TVii/Apple TV, who is really going to buy it when there are alternatives like smartphones and tablets? Who`s going to develop for it when the market may not be there? Even with Kinect i don`t see it being a hit. Kinect has already sold what it had to sell: hand free gaming.
It`s not going to be a better Kinect that`s going to change that.

What i hope for MS is that it can expand it`s influence besides the UK and USA. Being dominant in two markets - albeit the most important ones - is dangerous and both Wii U and PS4 can take them away from MS.
I think it would be best for MS to just go with one console and go after the more casual developers in a way that makes sense for Xbox 720.