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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wii U 'Has A Horrible, Slow CPU' Says Metro Last Light Dev

JGarret said:
Roma said:
chapset said:
Now it's: who cares we buy Nintendo consoles for Nintendo games
1 year from now it will be : why third parties don't support the Wii U wa!wa!wa!wa!wa

I don't think anybody buys Nintendo consoles for 3rd party games lol

people who buy Nintendo consoles buy them for Nintendo games and its always been that way so nothing has changed!

Not always, Roma...this started with the N64, it certainly wasn´t like that with the NES and SNES.

true that. I should have said since the N64 but that's still more than 15 years ago :P

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(

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Given this developer's reputation, my bet is that they have attempted to move the code from, for example, a Cell optimised version of the game, and expect it to work flawlessly, thinking the extra raw horsepower would be enough to overcome optimisation. Now that they realise they have to put the effort to optimise it just like they did with the PS3, they have to call it out and say it's "horribly slow".

Wake me up when a legit developer says something similar.

pezus said:
bazmeistergen said:
Dear PS3 sales

Not sure why you'd call yourself such a name - attaching yourself to a corporate entity is odd -, but that's besides the point. I think many of us aren't really concerned about power, but instead new ways of doing things. I'm not totally convinced the Gamepad is revolutionary as yet, but it has some great potential. That is my interest in buying it. Should complement the 3ds and 360 nicely.

I wonder why Nintendo couldn't do something cool with the gamepad with a launch title. That way, people might have forgotten about all this power talk and enjoyed the gamez.

I guess the 'cool' stuff isn't ready, though I think Nintendoland looks pretty cool. Zombi U looks funky as well, despite the mixed reviews. Seems to be a bit of a Brit vs US split on the reviews there. It should be about the gamez, eh Pezus?

Yes. - contribute your stuff... satire, comics, ideas, debate, stupidy stupid etc.

ps3-sales! said:

3.They don't cater to the core audience that don't want to be forced to use the gamepad - fact

Do these games not have the option to use the Pro Controller or something...?

I have to say that I wouldn't be surprised if the WII U *IS* underpowered.

Nintendo is NOT looking to make a full entertainment platform like Sony and Microsoft are hellbent on making.

Nintendo makes it's business making fun, game systems that casual gamers want to buy and they kick serious ass in that regard. Why would they mess with that success?

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RolStoppable said:

The Gamepad of the Wii U is pushing up the price a bit too high, similar to how the stereoscopic 3D of the 3DS increased the price beyond reasonable standards.

The difference is that with 3DS the price was higher for a feature that doesn't change the gameplay in any way or add to the experience other than a graphical effect.  WiiU's Gamepad is a game changer with both games and overall functionality (my opinion).

And do you really think the price is too high?  $299 (basic unit) is a sweet spot for a console launch; had the Wii been $299 it still would have launched phenomenally well.

guiduc said:
Would it be possible, for once, to ignore this bullshit? Why do you keep posting it on VG? Nobody really cares about THQ'S opinions! Everybody should stop feeding the trolls and doom and gloom surrounding Wii U's launch

Why are you so angry? Many people care about THQ's opinions, myself included.

chapset said:
Now it's: who cares we buy Nintendo consoles for Nintendo games
1 year from now it will be : why third parties don't support the Wii U wa!wa!wa!wa!wa

It is more like why do third parties release shovel ware and on rails shooters promissing they will create a real game oncde these half asses tests of theirs sell big enough numbers.

Also don't forget some developers admitted that the shovelware and those part games (carnival games dev as an example) was actually subsidising HD game developement.

Also there is nothing wrong with HOPING for third party support, but in the end they know that most likely the console will be for Nintendo games anyway.

I don't see this ever changning no matter how powerful Nintendo makes a console. ONly way they will fix this and I ave been saying it for years, is to invest in more studios and acquire where possible. They have come out some what strong at launch with a few unexpected annoucements, however they need more western sdtyle studios for their mature games.



Cobretti2 said:
LOL slower CPU doesn't mean it is weaker.

My Athlon 64 was much faster than my i7,. byt which is better? think about it?

It is just your intepretation that they were talking just about clock speeds and even if they were, it is just a powerpc cpu. Just like the one in 360, with slight modifications and slower clock speeds,

That other part of your post is just bullshit. Care to tell me which athlon 64 is "much faster" than any i7? No, wait. Tell me one that is even faster at all.

RolStoppable said:
archbrix said:

The difference is that with 3DS the price was higher for a feature that doesn't change the gameplay in any way or add to the experience other than a graphical effect.  WiiU's Gamepad is a game changer with both games and overall functionality (my opinion).

And do you really think the price is too high?  $299 (basic unit) is a sweet spot for a console launch; had the Wii been $299 it still would have launched phenomenally well.

The Gamepad is certainly much better than stereoscopic 3D ever was.

Yes, I think the price is too high. The basic Wii U comes across as a gimped version (even though it is mostly identical), so the system will be effectively perceived as a $350 console that comes with a game (that might not be of value to everyone). The global economy is also much worse than six years ago. I think the system will be fine in Japan where it has a similar price as the PS3, it will do alright in the USA, but Europe is a different story as the region seems to be more price-sensitive overall. If Nintendo doesn't properly stagger their releases beyond March 2013 (which we know nothing about the moment), they will definitely run into problems. But if, say, Mario Kart 8 releases in spring and Wii Sports 3 in summer, then there shouldn't be much to worry about.

I don't think so, especially if you consider the Vita is currently selling at $300 regular price and so is the sexy x360s 250GB was selling @$300 pre-holiday bundle.