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Forums - Gaming Discussion - For 300,000 signatures Crytek will release TimeSplitters HD collection

I do love Timesplitters but thats a hefty amount of sigs :/ ill still sign it though.

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It's already nearing 60,000.
I shall show my support in hopes of a Wii U version.

3DS Friend Code: 0645 - 5827 - 5788
WayForward Kickstarter is best kickstarter:

What better way? A version for PS3 360 and WiiU. I will own all three systems by the end of the year but I want Timesplitters on WiiU.

even if it does hit that number,it's still not a sure thing,that they'll make the game. I seriously doubt the game will every get made,regardless.

How many signatures did the Dark Souls PC petition get before they caved in? Surely nowhere near 300k? Apples and Oranges I suppose but 300k signatures is quite a big ask.

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It has been my observation that many companies (including Nintendo) are highly successful because they produce high quality games that break with the conventional wisdom of what gamers want ...

The fact that (pretty much) all first person shooter developers are afraid to make a more arcade style shooter indicates that there is (probably) a demand that isn't being met, and if a company made a high quality "arcade style" FPS like Timesplitters they would likely see strong sales.

As long as a collection would make a whole new game, I'm all for it. signed!

All of this, of course, is just my opinion.

Skyrim 100%'d. Dark Souls 100%'d. 
Dark Souls > Skyrim.
Halo 4 is the best damn FPS since Halo 3.
Proud pre-orderer of 2 PS4's and an Xbox One. 

Currently Playing: Dark Souls II, South Park
Playstation 4: MGS V GZ, Killzone: Shadow Fall, NBA 2k14.

The petition will get no where near that amount. I signed it though.

HappySqurriel said:
It has been my observation that many companies (including Nintendo) are highly successful because they produce high quality games that break with the conventional wisdom of what gamers want ...

The fact that (pretty much) all first person shooter developers are afraid to make a more arcade style shooter indicates that there is (probably) a demand that isn't being met, and if a company made a high quality "arcade style" FPS like Timesplitters they would likely see strong sales.

No, arcade shooters just died out because most want to play multiplayer and Halo has a bit of arcade style multiplayer (think zombie mode/king of the hill/oddball/grifball and go on)...


I've signed it. This must happen