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Forums - Sales Discussion - October 2012 NPD Thread - 360: 270k, PS3+Wii: 212k

The traditional "sequence"

PSP < 10k < PSV < Wii < 50K < 100k < DS < 150k < PS3 < 200K < 3DS < 250K < 360

What we know so far:

360: 270k

Wii + PS3 = 212k, so Wii being 36-49k, makes PS3 = 163-176k

PSV: 35k

PSP: -2k (check yours, it might have entered the negative sales and vanished)

Around the Network
forest-spirit said:
007BondAgent said:
Anyone got pokemon numbers?

It did less than 900k.

Wait! how :O

VicViper said:
The traditional "sequence"

PSP < 10k < PSV < Wii < 50K < 100k < DS < 150k < PS3 < 200K < 3DS < 250K < 360

So Wii did 35k-52k, and PS3 did 160k-177k.



Ugh, that was a stealthy edit you did there!

We haven't heard from Nintendo yet so they are probably not too happy about this...

It seem RE6 wont sell anywhere near RE5 in west. Good PS3 numbers if sales are 177k instead of 163k. lol

Around the Network

Spin of Resident Evil sold 582k, it seem Capcom make mistake of releasing both games without much gap in between. Otherwise its posible sales could have matched RE5.

Resident Evil 6, the disaster of the month. Goodness gracious.

I'll paraphrase a comment in neogaf

2010: Vita selling almost as much as Wii = MEGATON!

2012: Vita selling almost as much as Wii = DOOM!

2 years can really change perspectives :D

RolStoppable said:
leo-j said:
Wii is probably around 40k.. that's abysmal..

Glasshouse... stones...


You can't build a glasshouse out of stones.

the_dengle said:

I don't know why people keep being surprised that the Wii is selling so poorly. Maybe they forgot its successor is due out next week.

More importantly, they haven't looked at the release schedule. This year.

C-M-D said:
From Creamsugar: "Vita ~ 35k, better than Aug."

Western game support!

forest-spirit said:
We haven't heard from Nintendo yet so they are probably not too happy about this...

I, for one, am stunned that their new Wii strategy isn't succeeding, and that the 3DS isn't lighting the world on fire.

Taking into account that 3DS is ~225k (which is only ok), the only thing that makes me happy in those numbers are the DS - people say that PSP still sells in japan, but this is what a "Zombie" system looks like! Makes me hopeful for 3DS support in the future.

it's just amazing how VGChartz numbers are wrong for the little guy.