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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wii U has no ethernet port

Proclus said:
I like my cables, not playing online on WiiU then because Nintendo wanted to skimp on console costs, cheers guy

So in our day and age, we skip playing on consoles not because they have games we don't want, but because they require us to pay a static 15$ cost for a performance increase.

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As a user of PS3 Media Server: Ethernet >>>>>> Wifi.

mantlepiecek said:
NiKKoM said:
mantlepiecek said:
I would consider this move as a stupid one by nintendo.

you do know that the Wii also didn't have an ethernet port?

I thought nintendo was trying to be more competitive with their online when it came to wii U, this is pretty much a joke if they can't have an ethernet port. Which has a lot of advantages over wifi, especially over online mp games.

I don't consider that to be true, I have 3 MB of internet speed and I played COD, TF2, Monster Hunter and an other bunch of online games using Wifi and I rarely have big issues.

Nintendo and PC gamer

happydolphin said:
Proclus said:
I like my cables, not playing online on WiiU then because Nintendo wanted to skimp on console costs, cheers guy

So in our day and age, we skip playing on consoles not because they have games we don't want, but because they require us to pay a static 15$ cost for a performance increase.

No, we skip playing online on said console because said console lacked a basic part that has been included in other consoles with succesfull online services since 2001, don't get me wrong, I'm still getting a WiiU, but I will not buy a seperate part which should have been standard.

And just as a side note, this static $15 cost for a performance increase, who's going to pay for the wi-fi connection which I will need, which will have inferior security, speed and will be more expensive than my current setup?

No sir, this is nonsense, and please don't pretend it isn't my friend.

osed125 said:

I really don't know how this will affect a lot of people. Even in a "third world" (hate that term but let's stick with it) country like mine everyone uses wifi over cables. There's probably an add-on for that so I don't see the problem. 

while i get what you are saying -- i still use ethernet on my ps3 even though it is mere feet from my router.  hardwired ethernet is simply faster and more reliable which is a plus for online gaming.  netflix runs better on my ps3 compared to my wii and i'm pretty sure the only real difference is ethernet vs. wifi.

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Proclus said:
happydolphin said:
Proclus said:
I like my cables, not playing online on WiiU then because Nintendo wanted to skimp on console costs, cheers guy

So in our day and age, we skip playing on consoles not because they have games we don't want, but because they require us to pay a static 15$ cost for a performance increase.

No, we skip playing online on said console because said console lacked a basic part that has been included in other consoles with succesfull online services since 2001, don't get me wrong, I'm still getting a WiiU, but I will not buy a seperate part which should have been standard.

And just as a side note, this static $15 cost for a performance increase, who's going to part for the wi-fi connection which I will need, which will have inferior security, speed and will be more expensive than my current setup?

No sir, this is nonsense, and please don't pretend it isn't my friend.

You can always use the 15$ you'll save from not having to buy a HDMI cable.

Player2 said:
Proclus said:
happydolphin said:
Proclus said:
I like my cables, not playing online on WiiU then because Nintendo wanted to skimp on console costs, cheers guy

So in our day and age, we skip playing on consoles not because they have games we don't want, but because they require us to pay a static 15$ cost for a performance increase.

No, we skip playing online on said console because said console lacked a basic part that has been included in other consoles with succesfull online services since 2001, don't get me wrong, I'm still getting a WiiU, but I will not buy a seperate part which should have been standard.

And just as a side note, this static $15 cost for a performance increase, who's going to part for the wi-fi connection which I will need, which will have inferior security, speed and will be more expensive than my current setup?

No sir, this is nonsense, and please don't pretend it isn't my friend.

You can always use the 15$ you'll save from not having to buy a HDMI cable.

And the additional $150 (120 EUR) per year increased internet connection costs?

Are you people still using 802.11b/g wifi or what? use 802.11n equipement.. like the WiiU supports


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

Proclus said:
Player2 said:
Proclus said:
happydolphin said:
Proclus said:
I like my cables, not playing online on WiiU then because Nintendo wanted to skimp on console costs, cheers guy

So in our day and age, we skip playing on consoles not because they have games we don't want, but because they require us to pay a static 15$ cost for a performance increase.

No, we skip playing online on said console because said console lacked a basic part that has been included in other consoles with succesfull online services since 2001, don't get me wrong, I'm still getting a WiiU, but I will not buy a seperate part which should have been standard.

And just as a side note, this static $15 cost for a performance increase, who's going to part for the wi-fi connection which I will need, which will have inferior security, speed and will be more expensive than my current setup?

No sir, this is nonsense, and please don't pretend it isn't my friend.

You can always use the 15$ you'll save from not having to buy a HDMI cable.

And the additional $150 (120 EUR) per year increased internet connection costs?

I'm saying that you can buy an USB-ethernet adapter with those 15$, and it will work like the other HD consoles.

Even here in brazil, where we have rabid monkeys robbing people outside in the street, I swear I never seen a videogame connected via ethernet cable.

(ps. smart people don't believe that. Well, the no-ethernet cable part is true)