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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wii U has no ethernet port

you can go wired with this, is the wii lan adapter, but i probably wont


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This is the first time hearing about this, and honestly I'm not surprised. All of my stuff is connected wireless anyway. Save for my U-Verse and PC.

osed125 said:
Ultr said:
osed125 said:
kitler53 said:
osed125 said:

I really don't know how this will affect a lot of people. Even in a "third world" (hate that term but let's stick with it) country like mine everyone uses wifi over cables. There's probably an add-on for that so I don't see the problem. 

while i get what you are saying -- i still use ethernet on my ps3 even though it is mere feet from my router.  hardwired ethernet is simply faster and more reliable which is a plus for online gaming.  netflix runs better on my ps3 compared to my wii and i'm pretty sure the only real difference is ethernet vs. wifi.

Everyone I know (and I mean that literally) uses wifi with their 360 and PS3, and I think most people around the world do the same same thing. So why add something that will increase the price of the console that will only satisfy the minority of gamers? For that few percentage of people there is the add on. It's just a smart business move.

Well I guess Im of that minority. oh and my friends too.

I only have issues with my Wii, online sucks to the highest, and all my devices are connected with cable, I only use my phone with wireless, and that thing(wlan router) is off at night. really, an ethernet port is a given......

Business move, I take a shit on business moves, all I want is options!

WHY THE Gaminggodshell should I care about business moves, just build in a damn ethernet port!!

Yes, you and your friends are the minority:

This is worldwide btw in the U.S is 61%

Wii internet problems weren't because of wifi or ethernet, it was the hardware itself. Besides most games were ok, the only one I can think of that have major problems was Smash.

Let's face it, this just a stupid thing for fanboys to nickpick about "problems" with the Wii U. You have the option to play with an ethernet port, it may not be by default but it's there. If you have other "problems" with the system this is probably the stupidest one...

Lets face it, we have wifi too this doesnt mean we dont have MOST of the devices connected via cable...

no its not a stupid thing for fanboys, that is the argument of a fanboy! Look at apple, uuuh we dont have a HDMI port BUT HEY YOU CAN BUY AN ADAPTER, here! NO I dont want to buy that thing!!! just build it in assholes! I dont give a dump on business moves, if the PS4 does not have en ethernet port, i will be bad mad at sony.

kinda a joke

oh and me and my friend always have problems playing MonsterHunterTrii

Ultr said:

Lets face it, we have wifi too this doesnt mean we dont have MOST of the devices connected via cable...

no its not a stupid thing for fanboys, that is the argument of a fanboy! Look at apple, uuuh we dont have a HDMI port BUT HEY YOU CAN BUY AN ADAPTER, here! NO I dont want to buy that thing!!! just build it in assholes! I dont give a dump on business moves, if the PS4 does not have en ethernet port, i will be bad mad at sony.

kinda a joke

oh and me and my friend always have problems playing MonsterHunterTrii

what kind of problems?

Ultr said:

Lets face it, we have wifi too this doesnt mean we dont have MOST of the devices connected via cable...

no its not a stupid thing for fanboys, that is the argument of a fanboy! Look at apple, uuuh we dont have a HDMI port BUT HEY YOU CAN BUY AN ADAPTER, here! NO I dont want to buy that thing!!! just build it in assholes! I dont give a dump on business moves, if the PS4 does not have en ethernet port, i will be bad mad at sony.

kinda a joke

oh and me and my friend always have problems playing MonsterHunterTrii

Let us not forget the lack of USB port... Lack of USB seems a little more important than lack of ethernet.

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Ultr said:

Lets face it, we have wifi too this doesnt mean we dont have MOST of the devices connected via cable...

no its not a stupid thing for fanboys, that is the argument of a fanboy! Look at apple, uuuh we dont have a HDMI port BUT HEY YOU CAN BUY AN ADAPTER, here! NO I dont want to buy that thing!!! just build it in assholes! I dont give a dump on business moves, if the PS4 does not have en ethernet port, i will be bad mad at sony.

kinda a joke

oh and me and my friend always have problems playing MonsterHunterTrii

Hardly doubt you even have a Wii, but anyway I never had problems playing Monster Hunter Tri, some occasional crashes but most of the time those were because I lost my internet connection.

Nintendo and PC gamer

VG Charts - the internet's ultimate source for video game sales Wii U easily solvable problems

There's really a problem here when this thread gets double the posts in half the time as a Media Create or NPD thread.

At least I can use the original Wii remotes I already bought, instead of forcing me to buy new controllers every gen.

osed125 said:
Ultr said:

Lets face it, we have wifi too this doesnt mean we dont have MOST of the devices connected via cable...

no its not a stupid thing for fanboys, that is the argument of a fanboy! Look at apple, uuuh we dont have a HDMI port BUT HEY YOU CAN BUY AN ADAPTER, here! NO I dont want to buy that thing!!! just build it in assholes! I dont give a dump on business moves, if the PS4 does not have en ethernet port, i will be bad mad at sony.

kinda a joke

oh and me and my friend always have problems playing MonsterHunterTrii

Hardly doubt you even have a Wii, but anyway I never had problems playing Monster Hunter Tri, some occasional crashes but most of the time those were because I lost my internet connection.

I've had crashes during MH3 online but mainly due to server problems than ISP.  Funny thing is that sometimes it would crash for some in the party while others remain in game.   I still feel that this was a problem with the servers than my ISP.  It was hit or miss.  Most of the times everything is fine but sometimes you get booted over bs.

sethnintendo said:

I've had crashes during MH3 online but mainly due to server problems than ISP.  Funny thing is that sometimes it would crash for some in the party while others remain in game.   I still feel that this was a problem with the servers than my ISP.  It was hit or miss.  Most of the times everything is fine but sometimes you get booted over bs.

The ISP that I use sucks, so I'm used to losing internet connection constantly (wired or wifi), so maybe when I thought the game crashed because I lost the connection it was because of the game servers. 

Nintendo and PC gamer