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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wii U has no ethernet port

Wow. Not nearly as many people complaining as I would have thought" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">

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I always use Wifi and I never had a problem.

And if you are really serious about Ethernet you already own a dongle... jeez, it's $15. Don't make a huge fuzz about it. You always need to buy "something" to get the max out of your console.

Also, not including an HDMI cable with the 360 in 2005 was a wise decision as no freaking person back then had an HDTV yet. Same goes for the Wii U: Most people use WiFi. No reason to make the product bigger and more expensive just so a minority of customers can have their 10% more stable connection. It is called being a business and serving the customers. If only 10% of your customers want something you don't add costs for the other 90%. You are not the center of the world.

No ISDN port either? OMG, Nintendo so bad!

Any message from Faxanadu is written in good faith but shall neither be binding nor construed as constituting a commitment by Faxanadu except where provided for in a written agreement signed by an authorized representative of Faxanadu. This message is intended for the use of the forum members only.

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Faxanadu said:
No ISDN port either? OMG, Nintendo so bad!

What's ISDN? Is that some kind of a serial number for a book?

Any message from Faxanadu is written in good faith but shall neither be binding nor construed as constituting a commitment by Faxanadu except where provided for in a written agreement signed by an authorized representative of Faxanadu. This message is intended for the use of the forum members only.

The views expressed here may be personal and/or offensive and are not necessarily the views of Faxanadu.

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menx64 said:
NiKKoM said:
Are you people still using 802.11b/g wifi or what? use 802.11n equipement.. like the WiiU supports

Quoted for truth!

 it seems like everybody tried to ignore this post...   

So what is the truth on that? 802.11n is capable of something like 50-60mbps, depending on your router.  It also has bigger latency than wired connection.

Here are some results from speedtest while downloading some videos, dl seems to be capped at 100mbps with minimal impact on ping. Note that I am using the wireless-n tablet less than 2 meters from my router, no wall between.

21ms more latency and 150mbps less dl speed.

UncleScrooge said:
I always use Wifi and I never had a problem.

And if you are really serious about Ethernet you already own a dongle... jeez, it's $15. Don't make a huge fuzz about it. You always need to buy "something" to get the max out of your console.

What kind of performance does that 15$ dongle offer? USB adds some latency and I really doubt that it can handle a decent internet connection.

osed125 said:
sergiodaly said:
i use a wired connection on my console and every serious PC gamer too...
its better than wifi in every way... in Wii U you can have the adapter but even that is worse than a built-in... since the USB to Ethernet conversion will for sure add lag in "heavy traffic" MP game... it is not such a bad thing for good Internet connections, but if you have a bad one, adding more lag won't help for sure... not a disaster but it is not optimal either...

I mentioned this before but I have 3 MB of internet speed and I use wifi and I don't have big issues (if any) with the lag. Sure I never have the best ping in room but I rarely have the worst. Am I the only one? >.>

your max download speed ain't the issue here... most games online only use around 512kbits not even kbytes to communicate with the server... (more if its P2P and you are the host, but not much) the thing is the ping... ping has nothing to do with max speed (its a configuration on your ISP server) ping on the other hand, has to do with how far you are from your ISP server, the type of cable used in that link, how good is your router, even built-in ethernet ports have differences in performance between manufactures... in WIFI, after all that, your router have to transmit over the air the signal with encryption  because of security, then the console have to decrypt the data and use it, the same process goes as a respond... all of this is in milliseconds... as i stated in my other post, the thing is, that is not a problem... its works... but it is not optimal (this case as the usb to ethernet case)
i understand, you may think "all i want is it to work" and you are right... if works what is the problem? but for some, its the little thinks that makes a thing just good instead of being great... and you have to understand those people too...

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PSwii60 said:
I curse Nintendo's incompetence with the exclusion of phone jack. How will I ever connect my Netzero dial up service then? or Mom & Pop's AOL dialup service? Less Wii Fit online then.

Well at least you can finally drop that extra land line you've been keeping around just for that.

oniyide said:
its not about wifi being fine, which it is, its about options and wired connections do help with latency, thats pretty much a given. BUT it is a none issue as most of us (me included) who wanted better connections(im assuming anyone here who is interested in Wii U had a Wii) bought the USB port. I still have mine somewhere



If you own a Wii and want to see the difference between a wired and wireless connection, play Tatsunoko vs. Capcom online. You will almost instantly know what kind of connection your opponent is using. You can even see the difference in Monster Hunter Tri. When I played wirelessly, monsters would occassionally teleport across the map and other players would seem to be swinging at air on my screen when they were in fact doing something else. These things especially happened right after changing zones.

That said, wireless is still fine for most games, and it's a $8-15 fix if you want a more reliable connection.