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Forums - Politics Discussion - 2012 Election Center: The Main Event - Obama Wins


Of the two main candidates for president, who will win?

Barack Obama 245 75.85%
Mitt Romney 73 22.60%
Kasz216 said:
gergroy said:
Looks like republican senate chances are getting dashed

Oh yeah... the funny thing is it's been ignored just how awful senate republicans campaigns were... they blew what should of been a sure shot majority.


I gotta thing Virginia doesn't have democratic voters reporting yet... Silver had Virginia at 80% chance democrat.  If it went Republican it would be a baaad sign for Obama... if he doesn't win Florida anyway.

You can thank Akin and Murdoch for it. Their campaigns imploded thanks to the abortion stuff.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

Around the Network

Seems like Romney will win North Carolina and Virginia but lose Ohio. Florida is a toss-up.






I can't get over the name of NPR's election coverage site. "Big Board".

mrstickball said:
Kasz216 said:
gergroy said:
Looks like republican senate chances are getting dashed

Oh yeah... the funny thing is it's been ignored just how awful senate republicans campaigns were... they blew what should of been a sure shot majority.


I gotta thing Virginia doesn't have democratic voters reporting yet... Silver had Virginia at 80% chance democrat.  If it went Republican it would be a baaad sign for Obama... if he doesn't win Florida anyway.

You can thank Akin and Murdoch for it. Their campaigns imploded thanks to the abortion stuff.

More like you can thank republican primary voters for voting in the worse choice as their nominee

The numbers in for Ohio so far are from Democratic areas so don't call it just yet.

Around the Network

I wonder what is happening with the house races, nobody is talking about them

Lol, linda mcmahon got stomped again. How much of her money is that now? 100 million? Down the drain :). She needs to stop trying to buy elections.

gergroy said:
I wonder what is happening with the house races, nobody is talking about them

73 repub 37 dems i think i saw flash

Florida is soooooo tight!


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Conegamer said:
Florida is soooooo tight!

Yes she is!