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Forums - Politics Discussion - 2012 Election Center: The Main Event - Obama Wins


Of the two main candidates for president, who will win?

Barack Obama 245 75.85%
Mitt Romney 73 22.60%

Still think Obama will just take it; everything is going as expected thus far...


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Around the Network
Kasz216 said:

Huffington Post has South Carolina called for Obama...

i'm going to guess that's an error.

Edit: Yep, it's romney territory now.

Romney is loosing by 5k votes... but CNN called it in favor for him anyway

Max King of the Wild said:
Kasz216 said:

Huffington Post has South Carolina called for Obama...

i'm going to guess that's an error.

Edit: Yep, it's romney territory now.

Romney is loosing by 5k votes... but CNN called it in favor for him anyway

I lol'd at that, pretty awkward time to call the state

Kasz216 said:

Huffington Post has South Carolina called for Obama...

i'm going to guess that's an error.

Edit: Yep, it's romney territory now.

According to the BBC it's actually Obama who's ahead in the polls, but obviously more results will flood in. Will be tight I think...


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

gergroy said:
Max King of the Wild said:
Kasz216 said:

Huffington Post has South Carolina called for Obama...

i'm going to guess that's an error.

Edit: Yep, it's romney territory now.

Romney is loosing by 5k votes... but CNN called it in favor for him anyway

I lol'd at that, pretty awkward time to call the state

now its 9k lol... I don't get it

Around the Network
Conegamer said:
Kasz216 said:

Huffington Post has South Carolina called for Obama...

i'm going to guess that's an error.

Edit: Yep, it's romney territory now.

According to the BBC it's actually Obama who's ahead in the polls, but obviously more results will flood in. Will be tight I think...

No no... South Carolina is going to be VERY Romney. 

It won't even be close.

The thing about the running totals to keep in mind is that they're done by precincts... which likely means a democrat precent or two probably just closed first.


McCain won with 54% of the vote.

Kasz216 said:
Conegamer said:
Kasz216 said:

Huffington Post has South Carolina called for Obama...

i'm going to guess that's an error.

Edit: Yep, it's romney territory now.

According to the BBC it's actually Obama who's ahead in the polls, but obviously more results will flood in. Will be tight I think...

No no... South Carolina is going to be VERY Romney. 

It won't even be close.

The thing about the running totals to keep in mind is that they're done by precincts... which likely means a democrat precent or two probably just closed first.


McCain won with 54% of the vote.

It's just weird to call it while hes still down... at least call it after he makes up ground lol

Kasz216 said:
Conegamer said:
Kasz216 said:

Huffington Post has South Carolina called for Obama...

i'm going to guess that's an error.

Edit: Yep, it's romney territory now.

According to the BBC it's actually Obama who's ahead in the polls, but obviously more results will flood in. Will be tight I think...

No no... South Carolina is going to be VERY Romney. 

It won't even be close.

The thing about the running totals to keep in mind is that they're done by precincts... which likely means a democrat precent or two probably just closed first.


McCain won with 54% of the vote.

I guess so; I'm not denying that it will be Romney, but I think expecting more than 55% would be too much. 

Also; BBC suggests wins for Maryland, Maine, Columbia, Illinois, Massachusetts, Delaware and Rhode Island, with Oklahoma Romney's. No surprises, but CNN also say that exit polls show 50-49 overall in favor of Obama. 


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Looks like republican senate chances are getting dashed

gergroy said:
Looks like republican senate chances are getting dashed

Oh yeah... the funny thing is it's been ignored just how awful senate republicans campaigns were... they blew what should of been a sure shot majority.


I gotta thing Virginia doesn't have democratic voters reporting yet... Silver had Virginia at 80% chance democrat.  If it went Republican it would be a baaad sign for Obama... if he doesn't win Florida anyway.