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Forums - General Discussion - Two sentimental possessions destroyed/missing in the span of a few days..

Is your cat allowed outdoors? It sounds like he has a lot of built up energy and it can be a problem for indoor cats especially if there's no other cats in the household and if they get no one on one daily playtime with their owners. A lot of people don't realize that cats are just like dogs in that you have to exercise them daily if they don't get that exercise naturally.

The product for their claws is called "soft paws" and that's what I use on my cat. They don't bother him at all and they last about 4-5 weeks in my experience. If your cat touches you with them they basically feel like tiny fingers and they can't damage furniture/carpet/etc with them.

As for punishing cats, it doesn't work if you do it after whatever they did wrong since they won't understand what the punishment is for. Basically you have to do it while they're in the act and it's far more humane and easier to use something like a unpleasant loud noise (buzzer or whistle) to startle the cat. Eventually he'll associate whatever he's doing with that noise and he won't do it again.

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Wouldn't have believed it unless I saw it in action but Cesar Milan's techniques for dogs work on cats as well.

1) Exercise
2) Discipline
3) THEN affection.

Some of his key points is that if you just correct the animal and then you immediately go back to what you were doing in their mind you have backed down and have thus consented to the activity by saying they are in charge. Cats, like dogs, have a hierarchy to their social structure and they understand the concept of dominance. If you don't back down and are firm (but not agressive/violent) the cat will learn that you are in charge and ideally will begin to learn from one or two corrections only.

Another one of his phrases he likes to use is "Rules boundaries and limitations." Which is his way of saying that if you don't set those things and enforce them consistently you will find yourself losing control.

In the case of a dog with a lot of energy he suggests lots of exercise, which is why I completely agree with Legend's point about getting the cat some exercise..hell he is probably going out of his mind if he is fairly young and is not let out very often. When you have some free time you can take away some of his energy with some sort of exercise then intentionally put him in situations where you know he will make a mistake and correct him and stay there and keep correcting him when he messes up until he moves away and relaxes/submits.

I've used this on cats & dogs myself and provided you stick with it you WILL get results and probably faster then you might expect. Cats can be a lot more stubborn though which usually means you need a bit more persistence =P

To Each Man, Responsibility

Sqrl: Thanks for the suggestion, I know the guy you're talking about. He really seems to know his stuff too. Unfortunately, I think he, and only he, could tame this wild beast of mine. The thing is this cat will not back down. The only time he backs down is when you make a mad dash at him, smack his rear pretty hard, or get loud. Being calm, assertive, and all that does not work with him. It's almost like teaching some uncivilized caveman proper table manners: it's not in his nature.

Legend: Thanks also for the tips. I did Google the claw covers earlier, sounds interesting. But as nuts as Little Boots is, he'd have them off in to time. And good luck getting them on him if he doesn't want you to.

Also, I know how to discipline a cat or dog. I've never had one problem out of any pet that spent the majority of it's time with me. My parents, who were fairly strict when I was a kid, are apparently incapable of being strict with animals. And by the way, I don't like to smack my cat, I don't jump at the chance to smack him; whenever possible I actually do try to use loud sounds or even gestures to get the point across. The problem is that this either does not work, or works for like two seconds.

About the exercise, no I don't let any of my pets out unattended. They do get to go out some, but we have a rather large house and they have no problems running around and playing indoors. About the cat, I've tried playing with him ever since he was small, but I'm sure you can guess the rest. I've had feisty cats before, even a few wild ones that I tamed I might consider a bit mean, but I've never had a cat that bites like this one does. If I let him outside, he'll be dead in no time with his hardhead and lack of judgement. Even though we're in a sub-division, there are plenty of woods around us. I've saw fox, coyote, possibly a wolf, and a bigass turkey right down the road from my house. Then there are the neighborhood dogs to contend with also. So he certainly wouldn't be safe outdoors.

He usually isn't in the cage though, if that's what you're worried about. He spends most of his "downtime" in my bedroom, but gets the majority of his day roaming around the living area here.

"I feel like I could take on the whole Empire myself."

elgefe02 said:
I had to castrate my cat, he was too agresive, declawing is a must for cats living inside the house

 I had to castrate my cat, because he was so aggresive with other cats, and he was pissing on eveyrthing...

 After surgery, he kept the bad mod with other cats, but atleast doesn't piss on everything...

By me:

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"Since you can´t understand ... there is no point to taking you seriously."

And this just in...

Well, I figured it would show up sooner or later. Over the weekend my Sage Triforce pin turned up. I had been upstairs for a few hours, letting the cat roam around down here. I came down to grab a dvd and saw it in the floor. I guess he removed it from where it was hidden and got bored with it, leaving it out in the open.

Now I have that sucker put away so he can't get to it. Never again, Little Boots, never again.

"I feel like I could take on the whole Empire myself."

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Personally, I would have farted on the cat.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"